The Stable Boy

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I woke up shaking because of the freaking nightmare I just had, and I swear it’s getting annoying because I’m sick of not being able to sleep. When my eyes finally adjusted to the dark, I swear I saw a shadow in the corner. I screamed so loud that I’m surprised that Regina or David didn’t hear me. Once I finally realized that there wasn’t anything there, I calmed myself down and went back to sleep. I slept through most of the day, and when I finally woke up, it was to my phone ringing. I looked at screen and saw that it was Emma.

“Hey Emma.” I said as I answered.

“Hey Hazelle, sorry to bother you, but I need you at the station.” Emma said back.

“I’ll be there in 5.” I said before hanging up.

Emma didn’t have to tell me what was going on because I could tell by her voice that something bad was fixing to go down. I got dressed and drove to the station. When I got out of my car and walked into the building, I was met with Regina and the DA.

“Good morning Hazelle. Spencer, this is Hazelle. She’s a friend of mine, and Hazelle, this is Spencer, the DA.” Regina said with a smile.

“Nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you too.” Spencer and I said at the same time.

We all walked more into the station and I smiled at Emma and Mary-Margaret. They smiled back, but that changed when Spencer, Mary-Margaret, and Mr. Gold went into the interview room, and I had to stay outside the room with Emma and Regina. I knew that something was off, but I chose to keep my mouth shut. I listened as the interview went on, and I kept noticing that Spencer wouldn’t let Mary-Margaret finish a sentence, and when she finally cracked, Regina and Spencer both had big grins on their faces.

“This isn’t good is it?” I asked Emma quietly.

“No, it’s not.” Emma replied quietly as well.

I left after that and I wasn’t home long before I decided to go back to see Mary-Margaret. I knew she needed a friend and I was going to be there for her. When I got to the station, I wasn’t prepared for what I overheard.

“Please. Don’t do this to me. I don’t deserve this. I didn’t kill Kathryn.” Mary-Margaret said with a sad voice.

I knew exactly who she was talking to just by the way she said that line, but I wasn’t prepared for what the other person said.

“Oh, I know. But you do deserve this.” Regina said before turning around and walking out of the station.

Lucky for me that I can hide real well, and that’s what I did until she was gone before I went and tried to calm Mary-Margaret down. I knew that she was probably trying to figure out what Regina meant, but I was going to try keep her mind off of that.

“Mary-Margaret, don’t listen to anything Regina tells you. Believe that Emma and I will get you out of this.” I told Mary-Margaret as she was trying to calm down her breathing.

“I believe in both of you.” Mary-Margaret said after she finally calmed herself down.

“Good because we need you to keep calm, and let us handle Regina. I overheard what was said, and I’m going to use that to my advantage.” I said with a smile.

Mary-Margaret only smiled because she knew that I would anything, and I do mean anything, for her. I knew that I had to tell Emma, and I also knew what she would do with this information, but I was going to talk to her about letting me deal with Regina, since she seems to like me more than Emma. I guess we’ll know whenever I see her.

Hazelle’s outfit:

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