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Manhattan, New York

Considering I had let Nikolai be in charge, It allowed Andrei and I to go to New York. Andrei was quiet excited, he had bought Sage many presents.

I had forgotten it was  Christmas time in America. It made happy seeing my brother so enthusiastic to be buying things.

He got her mostly cooking stuff considering she was a chef. He did buy her necklace and handbag he felt like she would like. I couldn't wait to meet her.

It was 7pm and we had made it on time for our reservation. He seemed slightly nervous, but eager. I was observing and it was like he forgets she's scared of him.

We waited until a waiter seated us and we sat down at the window. I picked up the menu and scanned it. What do I want to eat?

"Hi, I'm Sally and I'm going to be your server tonight. What can I get you guys to drink?" she smiles.

"Can we just get your best wine, most expensive preferably," I spoke.

"Okay, then. Anything else?"

"Could you request that Sage comes to our table as well," Andrei says.

"Uh I will let her know, your name?"


"Oooooh, you're that guyy. Sure, I will let her know," she nods.

She walks away and I glanced at Andrei. The restaurant had a nice warm inviting look to it. Couple sit around us everywhere. Some friends laughing and enjoying their meals.

"Does she know where here?"

"No, I just know her work schedule and I come in when she is," he answers.

"Stalker much," I laugh.

"You would do the same," he defends.

"You're right, I would."

"Just be nice, she doesn't like being put under pressure in certain situations."

"I won't do anything."

I look at the menu and try find something that would satisfy my taste. I had no clue what I wanted. I heard Andrei take a deep breath and he was staring at something behind me. I turned around and thick black women was walking towards us.

She was wearing a white chef uniform with the restaurant embroidered on the top. I could tell she had big boobs with the fabric slightly stretching. Her hair tied back into a bun and a chef hat on top. Andrei had exhaled and started smiling.

He liked his big girls as well. I couldn't even say anything, because just more areas to rest on. She came up to our table and rest her hand on the the table.

"Hello Andrei and uhh... I don't know you," she hesitated.

"Kazimir, Andrei's older brother," I introduced.

I put my hand out for her to shake my hand. She shakes my hand, but she plastered on a awkward smile. She turns to look at Andrei who gave her an apologetic look.

"It's nice to meet you, Andrei's told me about you a few times."

"Hopefully it's all nice things," I say.

"Not really, he said you used to wet the bed until you were eleven," she laughs.

What a fucking lie. I glared at Andrei and he had a frown on his face.

"That's not true, I have never said that."

"I know, I'm only joking. Andrei hasn't said anything bad yet."

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