Chapter Two

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"What's up, Mr. Delmar?"

"Hey, Mr. Parker. Where's Gracee?"

"She's helping May with a food drive for the shelter."

Mr. Delmar watches as I look for a travel adapter, finding them and grabbing the second from last one.

"Are you planning a trip?"

"Uh, Europe, yeah."

"Oh, can I come?"

"It's a science trip. The history of Science, Tesla, Da Vinci and all that." I grab a snickers bar for Gracee and then walk to the counter.

"I'm good." Mr. Delmar says. "Anything else?"

"Uh, uh-" I give my best attempt at Spanish but Mr. Delmar frowns.

"Qué?" He asks.

"The dual headphone adapter." I answer, in English this time.

Mr. Delmar chuckles and then corrects me in Spanish.

"That is literally exactly what I said. Maybe word for word." I say.

"Here." He hands me the dual headphone adapter, and I pay him.

"Thank you, I'll see you later Mr. Delmar." I say, walking out.

"Have fun on your trip, and tell Gracee I said hi."

"I will!"

Next, errand two: sell toys, including Lobot.

I walk to the toy store and get the box of all of my best action figures out of my backpack, sliding it onto the counter.

"Are you sure about this?" The guy behind the counter asks, holding my Lobot.

"Yeah. I wanna buy my girlfriend something really nice."

"Hm." The guy says disapprovingly. "Well, hope she's worth it."

"Actually, can I keep the Lobot?" I ask, reaching for it back, and he hands it to me. "Thanks. Yeah, I'll keep that one."

My list may have said to get rid of the Lobot, but he's my favorite. Not saying that a toy means more to me than Gracee but... it means a lot to me. God, I sound like a five year old.

Now, time for errand three: pick up my passport.

I walk to the post office and when I get there, there is a long line. The desk closest to me is closed so I use an app on my phone to send my tiny spider drone out of my backpack and under the window, pressing the open button.

The closed sign buzzes and switches to open, so I look around, making sure no one is watching before walking to the desk. I turn around so Dronie can fly back into my backpack, before facing the confused lady behind the window, who is eating a sandwich.

"Hey, uh, Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please."

It's astonishing that I can say that without messing up my words, and yet when I'm around Gracee, I can't form a simple sentence.

I get my passport and then leave, walking to a empty alleyway. I web my backpack up on a brick wall and then my nanotech iron spider suit covers my clothes.

I swing to the Manfredi Italian restaurant, ready for errand four: Take down Manfredi Mob.

When I get there the fight immediately starts. I easily web the staff of the restaurant onto the walls, hanging some of them from the ceiling while the others shoot at me.

"Let's keep it moving, guys. I got a lot to do today." I do backflip from booth to table, webbing various people up.

I am causally sitting on top of a table that is turned over on its side when another guy comes in, shooting at me. "Ah!" I yell, grunting and falling backwards one the ground dramatically as multiple bullets hit me.

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