Chapter Twenty-Three

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Peter's POV

Everything happened so fast. I've been in a haze ever since we arrived at the hospital. It feels like I'm watching everything from above, and I'm not actually here.

I had put my mask on before anyone could see me in the suit, but I didn't care that they saw me with her. I remember the paramedics pulling me off of her and putting her on the stretcher. I remember sitting beside her in the ambulance as they applied pressure to her wound. I remember how quickly the gauze was soaked with her blood, and how many times they had to change it out. I remember them preforming CPR in the ambulance while I called Happy, hysterical.

I remember how she was rushed to the ER as soon as we entered the hospital. I remember Happy trying to hold me back as I tried to stay with her. I remember when she coded, and they had to use electric shocks in an attempt to revive her heart. I remember the doctors telling me that the bullet skimmed her, and that she lost a lot of blood. I remember them telling me that she was stable, but they didn't know when she would wake up.

May was on the first flight over right after I called and told her what had happened. Ned and MJ never went home with the rest of the class, and instead called their parents to let them know that they had to stay.

I haven't let go of her hand, and I haven't closed my eyes to sleep. All I can do is stare at her and cry. Happy gave me a change of clothes, and the nurse cleaned the cuts on my face. They have already healed because of my powers, so I didn't need stitches.

May is supposed to arrive today, and Happy is on his way to pick her up at the airport. Right now it's just Ned, MJ, and I in the room with her. Ned has been pacing ever since he got here, and MJ hasn't said a word. She's just been staring out of the window because she can't even look at her. I haven't taken my eyes off of her, but it's still hard to see her like this. She's looks so pale, even in the white hospital gown. Tubes are sticking out of her body and she's still, except for the slow rise and fall of her chest.

"What if she doesn't wake up?" Ned asks, breathing the silence.

"She'll wake up." MJ is still not looking at us, and is laying back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

"Since when are you the glass half full type?"

"Since never."

"Then how do you know she'll wake up?"

"She's Gracee."

Ned stops pacing and sits down on the couch next to MJ. "She has to wake up."

MJ abruptly stands up and walks out of the room, keeping her head low and not making eye contact with any of us. She doesn't offer an explanation as to where she's going, and I don't ask.

"Where are you going?" Ned asks.

"Bathroom." Her voice hitches.

Ned and I sit in silence once she's left, until he whispers, "She has to wake up."

When MJ comes back from the bathroom, red eyed, she has three chocolate puddings with her. She hands us each one with a spoon, without a word. I hear Ned open his behind me and he starts eating it.

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