Chapter Twelve

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Peter's POV

"Where the hell were you last night?!" MJ hisses.

"What are you talking about?"

"I am not in the mood, Peter. Where were you?"

"It's a long story."

"I'm listening."

"Wait... How did you know I was gone?"

"Gracee..." She trails off. "Never mind."

"MJ, what aren't you telling me?"

"Just drop it, Peter." She snaps, before walking away and going back to her room.

What the hell just happened?

I try not to think much of that encounter and walk back into my empty room to get ready. Ned woke up fine this morning and I explained everything to him. He said it was awesome to be tranq'd in the neck by Nick Fury and then left to go see Betty. I feel slightly paranoid that somehow Nick Fury is hiding in the shadows of my room even though I already checked everywhere.

I change into one of my favorite nerdy T-shirts and put a blue plaid shirt over it, leaving it unbuttoned. I put on dark jeans and white sneakers, and then brush my teeth and fix up my hair. I throw everything into my suitcase and carry it outside where some of my class is already waiting.

I see Gracee whispering to MJ and walk up to them, trying not to show how scared I am of MJ at the moment. "Hey."

Gracee turns around at the sound of my voice and hesitantly smiles up at me. "Hey, Pete."

She doesn't make a move to hug me.

"How did you sleep?"

"I slept good. No nightmares." She says flatly, causing MJ to glance at her unsurely.

"That's good." I nod.

"How did you sleep?"


Am I the only one thinking this is really awkward?

Gracee's POV

That was really awkward.

No matter how many times I told myself I wouldn't be surprised when Peter didn't tell me where he was, I still am. We tell each other everything, and the fact that he can't tell me where he was worries me.

I know what he is doing can't be bad, but it has to be dangerous. Maybe he's not telling me because he doesn't want me to worry? Or maybe because he doesn't want to put me in danger? I have a lot of questions, but I do know one thing: It was to have something to do with Mysterio.

It's not wrong of him to have secrets. But I am going to find out what is going on. I love reading mystery books, and now it's finally my turn to be the detective.

Peter's POV

I leave Gracee and MJ to go and find Ned. When I see him and Betty together I notice that Betty seems worried, so I run over to them.

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