Chapter Twenty-One

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Gracee's POV

I'm running towards a huge air monster, in the nanotech suit I designed with the help of Friday. This may seem like a stupid thing to do, but I have to protect my friends. I couldn't save Peter, so I have to save them. If Mysterio wasn't lying and Peter really is gone... I can't think about that. If I think about that I'll go numb, and I can't go numb. Not right now.

I am almost to the Tower Bridge, and I can now see just how many cars have been abandoned on it. Lighting is flashing and the wind is blowing so hard it's almost pushing me backwards. MJ told me they were on a red tour bus towards the middle of the bridge, and eventually I am close enough to see it. The class is all on the top of the bus, looking scared for their lives. They should be.

I run up the stairs to the top of the bus and everyone looks relieved to see me. They all look me up and down and when they realize I'm in my suit they start to understand how serious this actually is. Ned and MJ scream my name and then run to me, hugging me tightly.

"Thank God you're okay." MJ yells over the howling wind.

"We were so worried!" Ned says frantically.

"Why did you leave?"

"What happened?"

"You're so stupid, you know that right?"

"So stupid."

"Guys! I'll explain everything later but we need to get out of here." They let go of me and I face the rest of the class. "Everyone, we need to get off of the bus and away from the bridge right now!"

"Why?" They all ask in unison.

As if on cue, water explodes and rises in the air on each side of the bridge.

"That's why!" I yell.

I help them all down the bus and then once everyone is off it explodes. I jump off of it, rolling into a crouched stance. I can't hear anything over the ringing my ears, but I can see Ned and MJ's lips moving as they scream my name. They help me up and then Ned runs to Betty, holding her hand. I stare at the bus that is now on fire, trying to decipher what's real and what's not, when MJ grabs my hand and pulls me away. We run hand in hand, following the class and making sure no one is left behind.

"This way. This way! Okay. Okay." Mr. Harrington yells.

"Oh my God!" Betty screams.

Flash stops running in front of us and holds his phone up, trying to get a better angle of the Elemental.

"Flash!" MJ shoves him when we run into him.

"Follow that cursed hand." Yells Mr. Dell.

"This way, kids! Follow me!" Mr. Harrington instructs.

"It's not real, it's not real!" Ned yells.

"It looks pretty real to me!" Argues MJ.

"That's the point!" I yell.

"Follow me, kids!" Mr. Harrington stops running by the edge of the water and we all stop to get a better look at the Elemental.

It's not the air element like I originally thought, and it's actually all of the elements rolled into one that's even bigger and causing even more destruction. I stare at it, unconvinced that it's not real.

"Earth, wind, fire, water. Oh, no. They joined forces like the Power Rangers." Mr. Dell says.

"You're thinking of Voltron." Says Mr. Harrington.


"Voltron! You're thinking of Voltron!"

Mysterio then appears out of thin air, flying towards the Elemental, followed by a trail of green smoke. I back away, hoping that none of the drones creating this illusion get close enough to recognize me and alert him.

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