Chapter Twenty

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Peter's POV

I wake up to see...

Oh God.

"Hi." A guy with an accent smiles kindly at me. He's wearing an orange shirt and an orange hat with a feather sticking up on the side of it. There are stripes of red, white, and blue paint on his cheeks, and he has dirty blonde hair and a goatee.

"Where am I?" I ask warily.

"Municipal holding facility." The other man beside him with the same accent answers. He doesn't have a shirt on and his skin is stained with red paint. His whole face is painted red, white, and blue and he is bald.

"They said they found you unconscious at the train yard. Very dangerous." Feather Hat Guy says approvingly.

"And we gave you the shirt because you seemed a bit cold."

I jump and turn around to see that this whole time I was leaning on a guy and not a wall. He's wearing the same orange shirt and an orange hat with horns coming out of the sides and red long hair attached to the back. He has red, white, and blue stripes on his cheeks just like Feather Hat Guy, and has the same accent as both of the men.

I look down and see the orange shirt they have covered me up with. "Thanks. You guys are nice. You speak really good English."

"Welcome to the Netherlands." They all say in unison.

"I'm in the Netherlands right now?"

"Yep." No Hat Guy says.

"Bye." I jump off of the bench and run to the door of the jail cell. "Guard!"

"The guard is on a break. Probably talking to his wife." Feather Hat Guy says.

"Yeah, she's pregnant." Says No Hat Guy.

"Oh, yeah?" Horn Hat Guy asks, and then the three of them start speaking Dutch that I don't understand.

I reach through the bars and easily break the lock, allowing me to open the door. I carry my shirt out with me and walk past the door of the room the guard is sitting in. He has on my mask and is on the phone with someone.

"Yeah. Yeah. Night Monkey. Yeah. You guys okay?" He asks the person on the other end of the line.

I leave and hear the nice guys in the cell shut the door back. What could they have possibly done to be in jail? They seem so nice... but so did Beck.

I put the orange shirt on over my suit and limp through the town. People are walking around, going to different shops and there are farm animals tied to fences, eating hay on the ground. I groan in disgust when a step in shit, but keep walking towards the closest guy. He's wearing overalls and his hair is grey. In front of him are cages with chickens that he is probably trying to sell.

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Yeah?" He looks up from the phone he's holding.

"Could I borrow your phone?"

"Yeah." He hands me his phone, not worried that I could be someone trying to steal it.

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