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Chapter One ( Intro )

" Mom, is this really what you want to do? Do you really want to move away from the home we've created? Not to be selfish but I have so many roots here mom. I don't want to leave." I said pleading my case.

Honest to say, I'm not your average 15 year old girl, especially not on the inside. The untimely death of my father when I was 6 years old tore away the very foundation of my already unstable life. Even though it happened 9 years ago, it still felt like it was just yesterday. You would never expect that I lived the life I did off of first glance. My thin stature elongated my 5'4 frame and made me look much taller. My luxurious brunette hair flowed perfectly around my Celine Dion glasses and my smile was almost perfect, even though I had help obtaining that. Even my looks couldn't hide my shy nature and it made me nearly unapproachable to everybody except my best friend. Now my mom wanted me to leave the only person I ever let my guard down with.

"Sweetheart , I know it's hard for you but I think this move is what's best. Virginia is not a third world country , it's in the U.S. we can always come visit." my mom replied.

Alice Green or as I call her "mom" of two beautiful daughters and was having a hard time dealing with the lost of her high school sweetheart. Even though she was recently widowed she was just as attractive and youthful as she was when she was in high school. Her voluminous blonde hair fell beautiful down her black and her enchanting green eyes brightened up a room on even the gloomiest of days.

"It might as well be, I'm just making friends here and now your going to move me in my sophomore year to Virginia, you cant find closure here? Tennessee is a huge place , im sure you'll find somebody. "

"Ashley , I told you im not doing this for me im doing this for us . This house is nothing but bad news , and I feel Andrew is still here and you know that . "

Andrew was the only man in the Green household and earned his living being one the best architect / construction workers in the state. He believed strongly in finishing what you start so he always felt the need to help with the building of his creations. When he fell from a two story railing and fractured two bones in his left leg. The fall shattered his ego more than his leg and that's when things took a turn for the worst. When the disability checks werent coming in like he hoped and he realized that his wife was the breadwinner in the family his pride for the best of him. Wallowing in self pity he started to feel like less of a man for not being able to provide for his family and he got addicted to pain killers. Soon after, he was diagnosed with depression and that pride that hung over him like a black cloud restrained him from taking his anti-depressant . With leaving only a note for his family, he hung himself from the second floor of their house and Ashley was the first to discover his lifeless body.

"Yes mom, I know dad's still here thats another reason why I don't want to leave , if I leave here im loosing him forever."

Ashley stormed off to her room and slammed the door behind her.

Her room was mint green with her name written in torquiuse paint . She had a vanity set with all her pictures and memories with her loved ones. There was a queen size bed that sat in the corner or her room perfectly angled so you can see out the beautiful gold trimed window and gaze at the sun.

Ashley was a schizophrenic and could see ghost including her dad's spirit. She hasn't told her mom that she was seeing her dad because she would for sure send her to the mental house.

In the middle of her day dream , her dad apperead on her bed. He always had perfect timing on when to come and comfort her.

"Baby, whatever you do make sure your mom doesn't move. There are great dangers in Virginia and it's no good for you. Your home is here in Tennessee." her dad said in a soft almost defeated whisper.

"Dad, I know but mom is stubborn. She won't listen to me and I've tried everything . I dont know what else to do ."

" Your mom always was hardheaded but that only made me love her more. I miss her so much and you kids too. "

Ashley had a little sister name Alisha ( they were the A family of Tennessee ) she was 8 years old and was still in her mothers belly when her father died.

"I wish you could of met Alisha dad. I tell you she got so big and beautiful but shes still a little brat. "

" I know , she sees me too. I think shes like us but she dosent know im her dad. I haven't told her, she thinks im the wizard from wizard of oz"

Ashley burst into tears , her faced turned rosy red as she laughed at her father's statement.

"Really dad , that's the best one you could think of?" Ashley mocked still giggling at the fact.

" I know its chessy , but I still get to see her and thats good enough for me. "

"But on a serious note dad, I really think were leaving. I'm not ready to let you go yet. "

" I know sweetheart , but I need to tell you that - "

"Ashley open the door we need to talk , we got two days to pack everything and I need to know what your bringing and what you leaving" Alice shouted through Ashley's bedroom door .

" I gottah go sweetie, ill be back soon okay , I promise . Be careful okay "

"Dad please dont go , what did you need to tell me ? "

Ashleys dad was gone before she could even ask anything .

Her mom opened the door and walked in.

"Ashley what's wrong hun?" Alice said rushing to Ashleys side and holding her in her arms .

"Everything mom , " Ashley said looking her mother in the eyes "Everything"

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