Chapter 17 :(

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Okay so before I begin , I just want to say that it took me so long because I don't want this book to end. I know all books have to end , but this is my FIRST book and I have a special connection to it. But here it goes, the end. The last and final chapter of 5,4,3,2,1, ENJOY !


"Ashley?" Jesse said not moving his eyes.

"Yea" I replied keeping the contact. 

"Its just us now."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~C17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As much as I hated to admit it. He was right. It was just me and him. Ashley & Jesse just like it had been the summer before he moved. This should be a good thing right? I wish that I could of thought of this as a good thing , but in reality. It wasn't . We're probably going to die in this house and as much as i love being with Jesse and being in his arms that is not where I want to die. I'm going to go out fighting. I'm going to survive this night.

But for right now , there's nothing I rather do then sit in the warm embrace of Jesse. For some reason, I felt completely safe around.
We snuggled up for what seemed like hours, but in reality probably was only a couple of minutes. Our love connection was broken when we heard banging against the door.

It brought us quickly back to reality and we realized that it was time to fight. This thing was no longer my little sister .

"Jesse" I said sit wrapped in his arms but focused on the door.

"Yes" he said barely above a whisper. I wonder what is in his mind. He's probably as scared as I am.

A deal.

One deal with the devil that I was forced to make in order to stay alive.

If I never would of came over today, I would be free and clear of this whole thing.

Why me?



I had to come see Ashley.

Being in school with her, made me realize how much I love her.

Everything about her made my heart skip a beat. She's the love of my life and and the only one I wanna see.

As soon as I put my hand out to knock again, a small little girl opened the door. She was so beautiful and innocent.

"Hi !" she spoke with a giggly smile .

"Hey, I'm here to see Ashley and Jennifer."

"Oh sure, come in" she opened the door fully and stepped to the side to let me in.

As soon as I got in she slammed the door and her eyes went full black.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

The house had a horrible odor, like something was dying. It made me nauseous.

" Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. " She slapped a knife against the Palm of her hand as she walked closer to me.

What's going on ?

" Yes " I said swallowing a big chunk of my heart.

" This next answer will decide whether or not you leave this house tomorrow "

5,4,3,2,1 *Being Edited*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ