Chapter 9

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"Ashley , Ashley Green ?" I heard from a deep voice behind me.

"Oh My God. Its you !" I said as I turned around.

No. it cant be.

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Jesse Smith , My crush in junior high school. I had finally told him how I feel and he told me he felt the same exact way . Great right ? yeah , no . Considering he was moving the following month. We dated that whole month until he left and I've been heartbroken ever since.

His green eyes lite up and he flashed a grin at me.

"How have you been ? What are you doing here? " I asked snapping out of my admiration of his beautiful eyes.

Man was he gorgeous, mm , mm , mm .

"I'm doing good, my mom got a job offer over here so she decided it would be best if we moved here."

My cheeks felt like they were on fire and about to rip . I was blushing and cheesing at the same time. Every time I tried to stop , I seen his beautiful face and a smile crept on my face .

" That's good to hear , I haven't seen you in a long time . Since what , Junior high school?, - " he stepped back and look at me up and down , his eyes flowing down every curve on my body.

" Yeah I know right , I tried to keep in contact but - "

" Hey babe , " A blonde headed , perky chest , barbie came behind Jesse and gave him a kiss .

He has another girlfriend ? oh gosh , I've been sitting here single waiting for him to come back and he was already with someone else .

" Hi , I'm Jennifer , who are you ?" she said in the sweetest manner. It made it really hard to hate her .

" Babe this is Ashley , we went to junior high school together." Jesse answered for me.

" Oh , Hi ! " she gave me one of the best hugs ever . No wonder she's Jesse's girlfriend I've known her for two seconds and she's already made me want to be her best friend.

"Where are you from?"


"Really ? You don't have much of an accent."

" I get that a lot , I guess mines just never developed. "

" So , what grade are you in ? "

" 10th , you ?"

" Same , you just got here ?"

"Yea , last night. "

" Where you moved to ? "

" Northgate Drive "

" Oh my god , I live on Lakecrust Road , there like two minutes away from each other . "

" that's cool , maybe we can hang out sometimes? "

"Definitely , tomorrow come sit with me and my friends over there - " she pointed to a table full of blonde and brunette barbie dolls texting there thumbs off.

" Will do , nice to meet you "

" Same here . "

I walked away towards the cafeteria door. I ran in any direction and gratefully found a bathroom . I felt so stupid , drooling behind a guy that had a girlfriend , yuck .

I was looking in the mirror , but in the stalls there was this one girl humming this familiar tune .

It was almost catchy, if it wasn't so damn creepy.

I was starting to enjoy it when, she just suddenly stopped , wait what happened to it .

" Hello , that was lovely humming you was doing. Why'd you stop?"

" I didn't know you were in here " a deep raspy voice came from the bathroom stall.

Was a guy in here ? probably as a prank or something , I walked to the front of the stall and seen feet I know way to well. The Devil Servant was back? I thought I got rid of him long time ago.

The stall slowly opened , I was ready to face whatever was there .

A tall blue eyed blonde hair girl walked out of the bathroom and went to the mirror to apply lip gloss.

WHAT ? Was I going insane or did that girl just change from the devil to a angel in disguise that quick .

" Umm , Hi . I'm Ashley , was that you the whole time?"

" Umm , yeah sorry . I didn't know anybody was in here."

"Don't apologize it was great . What's your name ? "

" Melissa , I don't remember seeing you here before."

" Oh , that's because I just moved here from Tennessee. I live on Northgate Drive."

"Oh , your that new family that just moved in, I live two houses down from you."

"That's cool , maybe Ill see you around some time."

"Yeah okay ." she said and walked out the bathroom.

Something was off about this girl but at least I know one of my neighbors . Maybe Virginia isn't so bad after all.


[ AN ) oh my gosh . I did not know so many people was reading this book and enjoying it. thank you guys so much for your comments and letting me know how I can approve this book . I made this chapter in 1 hour and all my chapters will be edited by tomorrow afternoon . thank you guys so much and l will like to know what you think more. I know I have a lot of spelling mistakes that's why I'm having someone in college proof read it for me . yay right ? I promised more action but I was rushing so chapter ten will be up by tomorrow night or monday morning guys . keep commenting and letting me know what you think . thanks :*

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