Chapter 2

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32 reads? omggg im so sorry I haven't been on here but here's the next chapter. :* Vote and follow please

"Everything mom , " Ashley said looking her mother in the eyes "Everything"  

______________ Chapter 2 ________________

Ashley grabbed her purse and was ready to say good bye to her memories. This room was her sanctuary, she could be herself and never get judge by anybody. It was her happy place and that was being taking away from her. She had her first slumber party, her first heartbreak, first rush to get ready for any excitement that was coming her way. Her room is what made her Ashley and if she lost that who would she be?

She looked down as a tear dropped from her face. All her memories where about to be taken away just like that . She placed her hand on the golden knob as it sent shivers down her back. She slowly looked up getting one last glance at her beloved fortress., When something ran past her face before she could even get a good vision. It ran inside her now empty closet. It started rumbling as if it were looking for a place to hide.

Taking one step further and regretting each one she took. The noise started becoming louder. She was centimeters from the door and was finding every strength in her body to let her open the door.

She slowly flung it open and there was nothing inside.

She sighted with relief and closed her closet doors. She heard a snicker from behind her and slowly turn around. Right behind her was one of the most creepiest things she would ever seen in her life.

it was midnight blue and was the figure of what seemed to be a man, His head was tilted to one side as if he was looking at something behind Ashley. He had sharp werewolf like teeth that was yellow , and cat eyes that matched them.

"W- Who are you?" Ashley asked , almost regretting it as soon as it looked at her .

The way it stared at her made her feel like he was staring in her soul and could tell the amount of fear she felt running through her veins.

"You'll see soon , ill meet you there."

She was getting ready to say something before it vanished right before her eyes.

She had a million questions but her main fear was, met me where?

She hoped he didn't mean her new house.That was one things she hoped stayed out of the house, was ghost. Just the one fear that kept her from really enjoying her life was ghost. She never knew what was real and what wasn't. She was always afraid to open up to somebody cause they might think that she was crazy.

She snapped out of her day dream when her mom yelled for her to come downstairs and put the last boxes in the car.

Ashley quickly grabbed her purse and ran out the room, she sped down the stairs and grabbed the box and left out the house. Even though she hates leaving her home, she was ready to be anywhere but there.

she placed it in the attached u-haul and got in the passenger side of her moms pearl blue Honda.  

Her mom slowly walked down the stairs and closed the front door, she turned around to admire it one more time. Tears slowly streamed down her face.

Alice hated leaving as much as Ashley did but she knew what was best for her family.

Alice got in the front of the truck still having the streak of tears in her eyes. As much as she hated it she was ready for a fresh start, some where far away where no one or nothing could bring up their horrible past.

"You ready babies ?" Alice said to her two kids.

"Yes mommy" Alisha said with joy from her seat in the back.

Alice smiled and looked at her daughter from the mirror. "What about you?" she said to Ashley looking more concerned.

"Mhm" Ashley said not taking her eyes of her house " I'm as ready as i'll ever be "


I hope you guys enjoyed ill update soon, please read comment and votes I already know how I want this book to go and I know you'll love it.

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