Chapter 3

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I decided to do two updates in a short period of time because I am so happy that people have read the first chapter so here's chapter 3, please vote , commrnt and read . and follow me thank you 

"Mhm" said Ashley not taking her eyes off the house. "I'm as ready as i'll ever be." 

_______________ chapter 3 _______________

Ashley just blankly stared at the house , while her mom was still getting ready to drive off. She looked at her window and noticed a writing on it.

She couldn't make out what it said, but she wanted to know what it was cause whatever it was, wasnt there when she ran out the room. She focused close on the words and tried to make out what they said she couldn't believe her eyes.

Ashley's POV:

I started to focus close in the words one by one to try and figure out the actual statement.  

D was the first letter of the word , okay so D , D , D , what's the next letter.

U ? no Ashley that's stupid unless he's saying dunkin donuts . Oh, I could definitely use some Dunkin Donuts . That sounds amazing.

Wait no , focus, O and N okay , I'm making progress.

D O N , T was the next letter . Okay , Don't , don't what?

G O ? Don't go ? While I'm staring at my window, I start thinking about what don't go could possibly mean. In the middle of my thoughts I see my dad appear in the doorway.

I start to remember what my dad told me the previous day, oh snap. He looks at me with sad and sorrow in his eyes. My heart starts beating fast and tears start streaming down my eyes. I wish he could come with me, where would I be  without him. I need him .

Tears flood out my eyes as I hear Alisha start to softly cry.

She whispers " Bye wizard" as she sobbed softly.

I wish my mom could see him. He would want to say goodbye to her. Lord knows she needs the closure. Closure is the one thing in this world that only my dad can give her.

Staring at my dad, I see the sudden change in his mood. His eyes start to widen and he looked scared or worried. I tried to make out his expression but before I could analyze it he pointed to my bedroom window and disappeared.

I glanced up and saw it. There he was the same yellow teeth evil wicked man starting at me from my bedroom. He just smiled wickedly as if he was happy , or crazy .

I hear my mom put the key in the ignition and start the car , but I couldn't take my eyes of that man. He just looked at me , and smiled. I wanted to know who he was, I needed to know who he was . The car slowly pulled off and the house was soon out of sight. I couldn't get the look of his eyes out of my head. My little sister was staring into space. I wonder if she had seen the man or only I could see him.

I no longer wanted to think about this, I wanted this to be the furthest thing from my mind. I put my beats on and turn on my iPod and put on some one direction. My eyes started to slowly close when I heard the soothing sound of Harry's voice. I slowly went to sleep.

Dream beginning

*BANG BANG BANG* I heard something knocking on my door , waking me from my slumber. Of course my mom would wake me up out of my most beautiful dream ever . Ugh . I slowly sat up on my bed, not wanting to move from my very spot .

*BANG BANG BANG BANG* I jumped out of my seat and went to open the door. No one was there. It was just a long empty hallway. I went in my room grab my teddy bear Mr. Snuggles and a flash light from my vanity set.

I slowly walked back to my door and stepped towards the hallway. I dragged my feet hoping that they would stop me so I wouldn't see anything I wasn't ready to see.

I walk down the halls and went toward my mom room and slowly opened the door. I peeked in and saw my mom laying on her bed dead with blood everywhere. I screamed and ran to see if Alisha was okay. When I opened the door I seen my little sister laying on the floor spitting out blood, tears came out of my eyes like water works and I couldn't believe that my little sister and my mother was going to die and leave me here all by myself. I ran to her and rubbed my hands through her dirty blonde hair. I'm going to miss her so much.

She looked at me with fear and I wished so badly that I could take her place. I seen her breath her last breathe, and I sat hugging her dead body weeping.

I turned around to see it, the man staring at me, why ? Why me?

I stood up ready to fight him, even if I died I didn't care I was ready to go. He killed my family and I wasn't going to let him get away with that.

" WHOO ARE YOUU !!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs

He smiled that wicked smile of his and giggled " Your about to find out " he then ran towards me and ---

Dream Ending

" YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL, OH OH, THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL. " I jumped out of my sleep startled by my mom and sister singing. I wanted to hug them so bad , that dream felt way to real to be fake, I couldn't bare the fact of losing them.

"BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE- " "MOM WATCH OUT!" I screamed startled by something I seen on the road.

She swerved to the side of the road, scared cause she almost didn't get complete control of the wheel.

"What happened?" My mom said yelling at me.

" I - I - I thought I seen something mom. I'm sorry"

She sighed, I knew she was mad at me but I still couldn't believe what I saw.

"Alisha are you okay?" My mom said checking up on my sister.

" Yes mommy" Alisha said still frightened by the turn of events.

My mom turned off the curve and continued driving.

I couldn't believe what I had seen. The man with his wicked smile staring at me . Laughing.

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