Chapter 11

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I got all there numbers and we spent the rest of the time chatting , and gossiping . I had friends , Virginia was becoming better than I expected.

My first sleepover . Wow , I can't wait !


The days leading up to the sleepover was fun. No drama , no weird little sister , no bad feelings and best of all no devil servant.

Life was pretty easy at this point , hanging with the girls put me into a good spirit and helped me becoming more outgoing. I was finally a teen.

Saturday came around and my sister, my mom and I was cleaning the house to get ready.

We decided to play some music while we cleaned.

" Tonights Lets Get Drunk & Live While Where Youngg "

" Hey I Just Met You & This Is Crazy , But Heres My Number So Call Me Maybe"

" You Could Be My One Love , My One Heart , My One Mind , Let Me Tell You One Time Girl I Love You, I Love You . "

Music filled the atmosphere as if the day couldn't get any better. It was 4pm and the girls where coming at 6:30, even though its two hours and thirty minutes away it feel like forever.

My mom ran to the super market and picked up the snacks that would make this the best sleepover ever.

Ice cream, chips, brownies, juice, soda, cookies and the one direction album . I mean who doesn't love them right ?

6:30 finally arrived and I had my bedroom set up for the girls to come.

Melissa was the first one to arrive, which was the obvious considering she lives down the street. I showed her upstairs amd we sat in my room and watched keeping up with the Kardashian until Jennifer and the other two came at 7:58 .

When we all reached upstairs , Jennifer stood up and was getting ready to tell her annual sleepover speech. So much fun!

" So girls tonight , is a specail night. Were offically welcoming a new girl into our group , Ashley ." Jennifer stated.

All the girls laughed and stared at me , I felt that wasn't a good sign .

" So Ashley , in order to be fully accepted into our group , you have to go to your bathroom , turn off all the lights and say bloody Mary 3 times."

Oh no, if there's one thing I'm scared of is her . She's my biggest fear that I had since I was little girl , I have a reason why though.

------------- Flashback Begins ----------- 

Me and my old best friend from Tennessee was at her house late at night. I was waiting for my mom to come pick me up cause she was working a late night shift . ( She had picked up more hours so we could be stable until she starts her job in Virginia )

We were playing truth or dare and I'm the dare master, I have to do every dare even if it scared the crap out of me.

So my best friend Athenia older sister walked in and wanted to play with us , everything was smoove sailing until it was my turn.

"So I heard you would do any dare huh?" She grinned and I knew that meant no good for me.

"Yea , I would . " I had a great poker face , but it seemed like she saw right through it .

" So I dare you to go to the bathroom and say Bloody Mary 3 times."

My heart started racing , sweat started to surface to my pours making my skin glicen and glow. I swallowed down my fear cause my pride was much to strong to let my title go to waste.

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