Chapter 6

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I opened a door to a room that I was sure to call dibs on, I was so excited to see my new room and for me to have been first call on it. I walked in and stopped dead in my tracks.

"Oh No, Not Again . . . . "
_______________ Chapter 6 ____________

There he was , my dad lifeless body hanging there, just like it was a couple of years ago. I couldn't bear to see the sight but my body wouldnt move.

Why would I have to relive the worst moment of my life. There I stood , not able to move or scream. I just wished it would go away.

"Ashley , where are you?" a frantic voice yelled from the smaller room on the floor.

At that moment I knew something was wrong with my little sister Alisha.

I ran into the breathless not even considering what I might walk into.

My little sister was with him, the devil servant..

"Im ready for you " he smile and ran out the room. Every instinct in my body made me run after him cause I was tired of him not giving me answers. There's so much I need to know.

I peeked down the hallway and seen him heading toward the staircase. He was going to the attic . I ran right behind him. I noticed that Alisha was slowly trailing behind us but to scared to fully run after him with me.

As much as i hate to see my little sister scared, I couldn't focus on her right now. I needed answers.

I ran up the stairs and oopened the attic door.

He was standing on the other side of the attic.

" Hehe, I see you dont give up eaisly" he said smiling .

" No im very determine to find out whats going on ."

"Your about to . . . " he knocked me down all I felt was something piercing through my skin. Everything went black. I guess he finally got me.

AN : Sorry its a short chapter im very sleepy and trynna stay up. soon edit. :*

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