Chapter 4

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( AN ) so there will be alott of updates this week since I will not be busy at all, but here's chapter 4 , Enjoy !

I couldn't believe what I had seen. the man with his wicked smile staring at me . Laughing.  

_______________ chapter 4 _____________

Ashleys POV :

For the rest of the drive I tried to get what I had seen out of my head. I definitely didn't wanna sleep after that dream I had earlier & knowing he could pop up anywhere didn't put me at ease.

His hateful eyes got to me everytime , and I hate that he has the oppritunity to scare me just by one look.

Soon that look will get old and ill just laugh at it, ha right?

Who am I kidding ? It's not even his look that scares me , its the evilness in his presents that gets to me. When you can tell he's up to no good and is only trying to harm you.

My mom turnt off the radio after the , lets just call it " little incident" and she would not take her eyes off the road for nothing.

Alisha was sound asleep in the back of the car, and I was curled up in my seat with my eyes closed , listening to music.

I felt like sleep was coming over me and that all I wanted to do was doze off into my own little happy place, but fear of what my dream would be about wiped all the thoughts from my head.

It was 8:52 pm and we've been driving for 4 and a half hours. We finally pulled over into some nice looking hotel, and all my tiredness went away cause the thought of a good shower was all that ran through my head.

My mom checked us in while I carried my little sister up the stairs to our room.

My mom came up with a employee who was carrying most of our bags. The room was big and beautiful. I wonder how much my mom had payed for it cause it looked like one of those suites a celebrity would stay at and get a welcome fruit basket.

There was two beds and Alisha was already laid flat on the biggest bed. This girl was a wild sleeper so instead of fighting with her , I'll sleep in the smaller bed with no headache .

I was so tired but me being an automatic clean freak i had to take a shower . Sorry call the police of wherever we are. Where are we ? I dont know and im honestly too tired to care.

I dragged my lifeless body to the shower and turnt on the water. I stepped in and inhaled the aroma of the fresh steam. It was amazing.

As I got fully soapy and was ready to rinse off . I heard somehing drop. I poked my head out and looked to see what was going on. The mirror was shattered . I didnt want to look at it because thats 7 years of bad luck and lord knows i dont need anymore of that.

I closed the curtians and rushed to rinse off.

I turnt off the water and opened it again. There he was, this horrible man was staring at me. The same man with the cat like eyes and sharp yellow teeth. I hate this guy so much.

" Who are you ? " I whispered not to wake up my mom or sister.

He giggled, why was he getting satisfaction out of tourting me.

" The Devils Servant "

"Why are you here ?" I said raising my voice a little louder. 

He laughed and looked at me with a bold look , almost a you have hell to pay look. I regretted that question instantly.

" Im here for you . "


AN : I did this right before a sweet sixteen so sorry its short. tomorrow there will be another chapter . any suggestion , comments or anything let me know please. how can i make this better ? is it bad or is it good ? leave comments and let me know. thanks you guys :*

5,4,3,2,1 *Being Edited*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora