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                                9:30 PM

It was really close to the prom dance, but unfortunately thoma didn't want to go. Thoma knew diluc would go with his girlfriend, of course, but thoma didn't have a date anyway and was too lazy to go.

When thoma was walking to school, he saw over to his left diluc and his girlfriend walking to school. 'Why are they walking so early?' Thoma thought as looked down and kicked a rock, and then remembered what happened on Saturday, but he didn't want to tell diluc because he didn't want to be a bad friend, but truth hurts right?


Thoma had what happened Saturday on his mind every hour, he couldn't even think of anything else or try to, it's just stuck. During chemistry class, he was Michelle flirting with some dude. 'How is diluc dating her?' Thoma thought as he looked back down at his paper to finish his assignment.

Thoma then felt a paper hit the back of his head. He picked it up and unwrapped it.

'I told you to stay away from diluc, now I'm gonna make sure he never talks to you ever again'

Thoma thought 'how did she even know?' And thought of how he talked to diluc on Saturday. He was really overthinking Saturday a lot. At this point he wanted to be alone, move away or something, however no matter where he goes, his feelings will never change for diluc.

Thoma walked home after school but saw diluc was running up to him.

"Uhm, thoma, have you've seen Michelle?"

"Uhh, last time I've saw her was with somebody by the fountain"

"Oh, alright" he said while running off to find Michelle. Oh if he knew what Michelle truly was.


Thankfully, thoma made it home safe. He wanted to relax and forget about all the things that happen today, but it just kept hitting him, so he decided to take a shower, that usually calms his mind down.

After the shower, he does the same routine. Watch movies, try to eat something and go to sleep, But this time he didn't go to sleep. He saw Instagram post of Michelle spreading rumors about thoma.

'Thoma tried to kiss me!'

'Thoma has a eating d!s0rder!'

'Y'all, thoma told me he's gay!'

Thoma was about to tear up and then he saw diluc liking the post. He was too afraid to justify whatever is happening. He was too scared to talk to diluc now because of the fact he is gay. He doesn't want to be seen in public anymore, he's dealing with a lot of things right now, and this is just making it worse. Of course he doesn't want to lie to everybody because he'd never find a girl attractive or interesting, but he also doesn't want to admit he is gay, he feels like diluc would hate him even more than now. It was like his life was falling apart, he thought high school would be good, guess he was wrong?

Thoma turned off his phone and went to sleep, he tried not to cry this night, not again.

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