The Deal

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It had been the day of our presentation for our group project. Eulo was just about close to diluc during the whole speech Zhongli did. Here I was, closer to him like Earth and the moon was. Zhongli in the middle, me on the left, Dliuc and Eulo on the right. Sometimes I think if that hospital scene even meant anything. Maybe I was overreacting, just maybe? Or he really...

Zhongli then tapped on my shoulder and smiled; putting me out of my trance. He then handed me the poster to talk upon my part of the project, so I did. This time Zhongli was the one on the left and I was closer to diluc. Was the moon and earth going to collide together? I sure hope so. I want to feel him arm against mine, brushing as I look down and blush— but no, it was the opposite. Eulo is standing there all up against him, though I was too shy to stand by him during our presentation as everyone's eyes were on us. It would've been okay it we were alone... maybe less eyes on us or anything. I saw from the corner of my eye Eulo trying to put his arm as a resting place on Diluc's shoulder. I got a bit too nervous and anxious as I saw the class, and even worse right beside me were Diluc and Eulo almost looking like they're a couple. I then began to speak fast as I get the tension began to rise.

"I-... it's the... the.. threeplanetswithmassonly.."
I rushed my sentence and felt a hand on my sweating back, I then slowly looked on my left to see it was Zhongli, basically telling me to slow down and take your time,
  "There's no need to rush, Thoma. Take you time, okay?" He whispers to me so the class won't hear the interruption, though that fails. The teacher claps her hands for us to continue as I took a deep breath and started reading again.

Though the presentation was over, Eulo kept bugging Diluc, like an attached puppy, an evil one. I'd finally have the chance with Diluc and here comes another person! I didn't know what to do. I didn't have much friends besides from Diluc that's basically being hold hostage at this point; to the point I think I should just ignore my feelings about him. Wouldn't it be better? At least that's what I think. I wanted to talk to a person, a person I at least know their name. I quickly thought as I was walking beside Eulo and Diluc, basically just them chatting it up as if they wouldn't see each other tomorrow. I then stop my tracks and turned back facing the school entrance.

"Diluc, I just remembered something, I'll... I'll be right back!" I blurt out as they were in their conversation as Diluc just responded with a simple, "Kay..!"

I then went to check the photography club, going about three stories up the school. I slowly slide the door open to see if someone was there. As if I was expecting the exact person, Zhongli was there.
He then heard me open the door, turning his head but not instantly looking at me as he was editing an image he probably recently took for a poster.
"Thoma? You need something...? You practically never stay after school." He pointed out while still having the camera in his face, pressing random buttons as I sighed and sat down on the floor by him,
"Listen, I don't want to bother you but... I'm having problems. What if you... hm," i didn't know how to go about saying this as I just tried to worded it out correctly. "What if you have a crush, but someone else tries to take them away from you..? Like— not the jealous type but... they know you have a crush on that person but... you know?"

Zhongli then raised his eyebrows and coughed, "Sounds like jealousy to me, or am I the crazy one? But I would say I would feel the same if I were in your position, so you're in no harm here. Just try to.. not think about all the negative stuff, I mean you have moments with that person too, am I right?" He explained, finally looking at me as we were having an actual discussion.
"I mean I guess, I just don't know how I'm supposed to ignore them when I hang out with Diluc everyday—" I then realized the so called mysterious crush to Zhongli. He was silent too.

"Diluc... you say?" He said getting up from the chair he was sitting on and placed his camera down on his desk that was full of stacked papers of old posters, "Just what is it that's bothering you? Like, are you scared that he's going to date someone else...?" He asks and I instantly froze up, as if that was the exact reason.

"Well uh, yeah, basically. I mean— you don't have to word it like that... I don't know how I can go about you helping me with this.. I just need advice..? What should I do? Something like that..."

Zhongli stands there, thinking long and hard as his head jumps up. He looks like he just got an idea, "Why don't we just make them jealous? Well, Diluc." Zhongli claims.
I was very confused by what he meant as I tilted my head.
"What do you mean..? We?—" as I was going to continue my sentence, he cuts me off by saying, "I mean us. How about this. We fake date, just for awhile, depending on Diluc and his reaction. It sounds crazy, I know. I'll respect your boundaries and won't do anything mediocre to you. Just hear me out."

I then let out a loud sigh and rubbed my forehead, trying to process the information he basically just threw out on me.
"So... you want us to date fake— I mean, fake date. Just... just to make diluc jealous?" I rephrase his idea as he nodded his head,
"Plus, it's only amusing for me since you're asking me for help, this is like a payment for all the trouble, since you're going to get dumped at the end anyway—" he then stopped himself and tried to chuckle the last part away. I just stared at him with a serious expression. I was really gonna grip his mouth and throw it away somewhere, somewhere he won't find it so he won't talk like that to me again.

"Okay, deal. He won't reject me, I'll make sure of it." I say, extending my hand for Zhongli to shake.
"Okay then, deal." He began to shake my hand to agree with the deal. What was I getting myself into?

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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