New Crush

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                                5:00 AM

Diluc tried to call thoma but it would only send to voice call, he began to worry if he's okay. Of course he forgot what happened at prom, he just wanted to talk about it.

That's until he got a call from thoma's mom, he hoped that thoma was okay so he answered.


"Uhm yes, is thoma at your house?"

"Uh, no ma'am."

"Oh god, where is he?"

"I don't know, I was trying to call him earlier ago, it kept sending to voicemail"

Thoma's mom started to freak out and then she hung up.

"Damn..." Diluc sighed in stress overthinking that thoma got kidnapped.

                              3:08 PM

Diluc was ignoring his 'girlfriend' all day and yesterday because of his best friend. Diluc then thought he never saw thoma when he was heading home, but he is still mad at thoma for kissing his girlfriend tho.
But that's when he got the news.

Diluc phone was buzzing again and saw it was thoma's mom. "Must have found him." He said as he answered the call.

"I have some bad news, diluc."

She sounded so serious, then diluc started to worry and overthink again.

"What happened miss...?"

"Thoma, he drowned himself. I don't know why, but I don't know if he's gonna be okay. He has a lot of bruises around his body and im-" thoma's mom started crying for a bit.

"He just never told me he was feeling down."

Diluc was too shocked to even process what to say and just hung up. He felt guilty, he wondered why thoma had done this to himself. And of course texted thoma's mom the address to the hospital and the room because she was currently there.

When diluc got into the room he can see thoma lying there while his mother talks to him. Although thoma could barely talk because of all the pain, he tries his best to.

"Oh, diluc, why are you here?" Thoma asked.

"I wanted to visit and see if you were okay, of course." Diluc answered.

"Oh, I thought you were too busy with your girlfriend."

"Actually, I don't even know if she's my girlfriend anymore."

"Oh c- ouch. Sorry, my neck just hurts a little."

"Oh, so, why didn't you tell me you were feeling down?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I'll just leave you two alone, I'll be outside. Need to take this emergency call." Thoma's mom said.

"What do you mean you don't want to talk about it? I'll understand, I'm your best friend"

"I just don't want to."

" it can only stay between you and me, I promise."

"Just please, sto-"

"I won't tell anyo-"


Diluc was still processing thoma's words, but then he soon realized what he said. He still didn't respond but was in complete shock.

"I'm guessing you never noticed, after all since you got a girlfriend, I thought you wouldn't ever want to see me again. You barely hanged out with me and you were with your girlfriend this whole entire time, not even one thought about me."

Diluc just now realized how he never payed attention to thoma when he was always hanging out with his girlfriend.

"Thoma, I-I'm so sorry, I'm so selfish. I didn't pay attention to you at all, I feel so guilty, I wish I wasn't that dumb to not notice you even liked me. I'm really sorry."

"But, it's okay. After all I never told you about how I liked you even tho in the same day you liked someone else. So of course I kept silent and wanted you to be happy."

"Thoma, I-"

"You really showed you never cared about me, and I didn't bother you. So you shouldn't say sorry. Say that you hate me so i won't feel surprised later."

"Thoma, I don't hate you, I never hated you. But why did you kiss my girlfriend?"

"I kissed her? No, she convinced me to go with her and then saw you coming by and tried to kiss me. But of course you would believe your girlfriend and think I'd have kissed her first."

Diluc was shocked to hear everything. He didn't know what to say at the moment. So he just grabbed thoma's hand. Thoma's heart was beating when diluc grabbed his hand.

"Listen thoma, I don't hate you, I don't hate anyone. I just thought being in a relationship meant for you to always be with your lover, and of course I didn't pay attention to you, I thought you were too busy doing things since you stopped reaching out, but I didn't know, I-"

Diluc then realized what he was doing and blushed while his heart was racing. He never felt like this around Michelle before, I mean, Michelle was always nice to diluc but that's the only reason why Diluc liked her, but with thoma was different. He known him since elementary and now feels  like he has butterflies in his stomach.

"Are you okay diluc? You stopped at the sentence, what were you about to say?"

"Oh, it— it was nothing"

Diluc then let go of Thomas hands and walked out of the room.

Thoma's mom then waved Diluc goodbye as he walked out of the hospital with still his heart racing.

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