Chapter 1: The Tiger/ The Pawn

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Authors' note: This is a collaboration with someone who wishes to remain anon for the time being. And no, there's no smut in this chapter. Enjoy!

Sebastian Moran was walking to a checkpoint after a job. He was tired, his senses dulled. Even then, he was a force to be reckoned with. However, he was taken by surprise when a van pulls up beside him. In a matter of seconds, several men overwhelm him and throw a bag over his head. Most people would be in a state of panic, but not Moran, he calmly lays in the back of the van, thinking of what these people could want with him. A short ride later and he feels the hands of his kidnappers lift him up and place him on his feet. Moran notices that they are trying not to intentionally harm him, which was something interesting especially in his line of work. Moran's kidnappers march him in front of them for a short distance. They stop and remove the hood. Moran blinks in surprise to find himself in a rather posh room, lushly decorated.

"Hello Moran." a new voice purrs as the large doors open and a new person enters the room. Moran spins to face the threat. He is a bit taken back to see someone he had only seen through the sights of his scope. Sherlock smiles slightly, but it had failed to reach his eyes. "Hopefully my boys didn't rough you up too badly..." Sherlock states, moving further into the room. Moran shifts slightly as he feels the full weight of the detective's eyes upon him, deducing him in a manner that could only that could be described as intimate. The detective's gaze was wracking over him, no detail lost.

Sherlock expected to see a killer, a cold hearted monster with no remorse. Yes, Sherlock saw a killer but he also saw someone who was painfully human. Sherlock frowns slightly , he intended to rid Moriarty of his right hand man, one way or another. Sherlock received a cold slap in the face for his intent. Sherlock mentally kicked himself. He was so angry with what John had done that he was willing to do whatever it took. He had allowed himself to stoop to Moriarty's level. Sherlock had every intention of killing Moran if the need arise, thinking Moran was a monster to be slayed. After seeing him in person, he realized that wasn't quite true. Moran might be a killer, but he was no monster, just a man bruised and battered by Moriarty.

"Are you going to do something other than stare at me?" Sebastian snapped. "Of course ... How very rude of me... Would you like something to drink?" Sherlock asks. The sniper eyed him still trying figure out the detective's intentions . The detective smirks, "I bet you are wondering why you are here." Sherlock asks. "Yes, actually." Sebastian replied, still keeping his distance. Sebastian was a trained killer, but he knew better than most that there was more to the detective that met the eye. Sherlock was attractive, that was certain. The same way that a jungle cat was attractive, yet dangerous. He stood there staring at back at the sniper with his piercing, ever changing eyes like blue flames. It took one to know one, Moran was in presence of a predator. Not because of his physicality but for the lengths he was willing to get what he wanted. Sebastian's presence here was enough proof of that.

"I suppose you haven't heard the news." Sherlock says, his voice snapping Sebastian back to reality. "What news?" Seb asks suspiciously. "James has a new pet. My John. You know exactly what I mean by that, don't you." Was the stiff response. Sebastian nods, he knew just how easy it was to be drawn into Moriarty's carefully strung Web. "What does that have to do with me?" the sniper furrowed his brow. Sherlock clears his throat. "I would like your assistance, I know you have extensive knowledge on how the network works, being a man on the inside. And I think that the arrangement could be... Mutually beneficial for the both of us."

"What makes you think I would betray my boss so easily?" Sebastian snaps. The detective smiles a superior smile, eyes gleaming. "Oh I know wouldn't, you look like the loyal type. Which is why I am prepared to give the world on a silver platter, metaphorically speaking. Your world. I have done my homework, Moran. I know your background. It wasn't easy to track down, but I have powerful friends. I know your history. Your father, your brother.. I know your leger is red. Dripping red.." Sherlock purrs.

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