Chapter 13: Reset

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Seb wakes up to see Sherlock gone. Seb wonders if Sherlock sleeping with him was just his mind comforting him. "Wake up!" Sherlock yowls, pouncing on the bed beside Seb. Well that fear was dispelled much to Seb's literal surprise."We have visitors, and I have a surprise for you." Sherlock is grinning like a little kid.

"Put something nice on. Hurry." Sherlock urges. Seb sees that Sherlock himself was wearing a posh pair of slacks and his favorite purple shirt. Seb quickly get up and dresses in a nice pair of black slacks and a white shirt.

Seb comes into the living room to stop dead in his tracks. There standing in the living room is Seb's superior officer, Alex Cross in the military along with Mycroft Holmes. Seb quickly straightens up and salutes the man, standing at attention. "Hello Moran. Long time...." The man says. "Too long sir." Seb smirks still in salute. "Do you know why were are here?" Cross growled, ever the gruff man. "No Sir. My partner had just woken me up and told me we had visitors Sir. "

"You have good friends. Much better than your...previous associations. In fact your work here with Mr. Sherlock Holmes regarding the fall of James Moriarty is the cause of great interest. Both with me and her Majesty the Queen" Cross says.  Seb pales finally dropping salute, "T-the Queen?" He stammers.

"She and I wanted to knight you. But Sherlock said that you would appreciate something else more." Mycroft speaks up. "Indeed. So it brings me great honor to say this, Moran. With all the authority of the military and and her Majesty, we are reinstating your honors as Colonel." Cross says. He nods to Mycroft who hands him a bundle. Cross steps forward to show Seb a new uniform that was decorated with all the appropriate metals with Seb's new tags. Seb's eyes goes wide. He becomes completely frozen for a moment. "Colonel?" Cross asks Seb, wondering if he is okay. "Do you approve?"

Seb launches into a coughing fit, the way that people did when they just got the greatest gift they could possibly get. Sherlock is leaning against the wall, eyes shining with pride and happiness. "Breathe, Sebby...." Sherlock laughs. Once Seb composes himself he speaks, "Yes Sir. I definitely approve. " Seb gasps. Cross grins and deposits the bundle into Seb's arms. Cross steps back to salute the reinstated Colonel. Seb holds it to his chest as he salutes back. Cross turns to Mycroft. "You will be hearing from me soon. I would like to possibly talk to you about career opportunities for Colonel Moran." Cross says. With the quick turn dismissal, he marches off with Mycroft close behind after he gives Seb his card.

Seb turns to Sherlock. "Come here. " Sherlock raises an eyebrow but does as he is told with a cheeky, "Yes, Colonel." Once Sherlock is standing directly in front of Seb, Seb carefully hands Sherlock the bundle. "Close your eyes. " Seb says. Sherlock smiles and once again does as he's told. Sherlock can hear a clink and feels something being put around his neck. "There. Open your eyes."

"Okay." Sherlock looks to see what Seb has done. Sherlock is wearing the new set of dog tags issued to Seb. "Um. These are yours." Sherlock is a bit confused. "I still have my old ones and they're still as good as they were,  I don't want you wearing those. I gave you this one so the new me will always be with you in a way..."

Sherlock attempts to clear the lump in his throat, blinking several times. "Thank you, I shall wear them with pride." he manages through the lump of emotions. Seb smiles and adjusts them on Sherlock's neck. "We should celebrate. Our victory, us, you being a Colonel. We are already dressed up." Sherlock suggests. "Of course. But I gotta grab something real quick and put my new uniform in its rightful place. "

"Do what you must. I will get the car." Sherlock nods. Seb runs to grab what he needs and their jackets then meets Sherlock in the car. "Suggestions?" Sherlock grins . "None. Your choice tonight. "  "Oooh, goodie..." Sherlock waggles his eyebrows playfully and puts the car in drive. Seb watches Sherlock, feeling unreasonably happy. The horrors of the last few days are fully put in the past, Sherlock has no desire to hold that over their heads. Sherlock lets Seb pick the music. Seb tunes it to an eighties station where Don't Stop Believing was playing. Seb smirks when he sees Sherlock cringe. "Seriously....?" Sherlock groans. Seb laughs, "Well you let me choose..."

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