Chapter 10: Plan

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Sherlock noticed that Seb no longer was shy about withholding affection. Sherlock comes into the manor, holding a large box of files that he had saved from the latest raid. It was time to see what Jim knew about them and blind spots they could use to their advantage to take on the compound in the final showdown. A showdown that was rapidly approaching. "What are those?" Seb is at Sherlock's side seemingly out of nowhere, instantly his interest is peaked. Sherlock starts slightly. Seb constantly lives up to his tiger nickname, the sniper had the uncanny ability to move absolutely silently. An tactic that was as immensely amusing to Seb as it was annoying to Sherlock. The detective rewards Seb with a withering glare as if to say, we have talked about this, don't do that unless you want to get a surprised smack. Seb smiles and laughs softly then as quickly as it was there it's gone. "So?" Immensely curious about the box.

"I swear you are more cat than human with your fascination with boxes..." Sherlock chuckles.  Even as he speaks, Sherlock is opening the box to show his partner the contents. "Boxes contain interesting things. " Seb crosses his arms and looks inside. "Mmm good deduction.... and in this case it has something very useful. A weapon. Best weapon ever....information." Sherlock purred.  "Gimme. " He gives Sherlock an eager look.

Sherlock laughs at Seb and pulls out several file from the box to place upon the table. He sees his. "Oh." Seb's look changes from eager to confusion. "Mmm. The last hard copies of your records Tiger."Sherlock says. He picks it up and hands it to Sherlock. "I know you're curious. Go ahead. Read it. ""Are you sure?" Seb nods, "There's no point in hiding anything anymore. "Sherlock makes a soft grunt of agreement and hands Seb his own file. "No more secrets between us." Sherlock says softly. Seb nods and gives Sherlock a sweet smile. The two trade files. Sherlock takes the folder and goes to sit on the couch to look them over.

Moran, Sebastian Age: 35Lead sniper / Personal assistant for Moriarty, James. Military experience: Extensive experience with rifle. Pressure points:

Sir Augustus Moran:Family status: Father. Status: deceased. Alcoholic, history of child abuse Extremely violent. If needed, use information in interrogations.    Elisa MoranFamily Status: Mother. Status: deceased. Killed by her husband.

Severin Moran:Family Status: Brother. Status: Unknown, rumored deceased. Family rivalry. If needed, use information in interrogations

Adeline Thompson: Relation: Fiancée. Status: Deceased. Cause of death: Was shot by Sebastian under Moriarty's orders.

"Augustus ...." Sherlock whispered softly, eyes narrowing at the name. Sherlock wasn't the consulting detective for nothing, he could read between the lines of the information provided.

Augustus was a violent, unloving father. I expect that Sebastian at last snapped when Augustus shot Seb's mother. In a volatile environment, things just got worse and worse. Sebastian's mother was the final straw. Augustus was Sebastian's first kill. Severin helped his brother destroy and dispose the body. Ever since that day, the two brothers bounced from foster home to foster home, never really having a home. Not sure when the wedge between the brothers formed. Sherlock deduced, eyes flicking over Seb, reading the older scars.

"He was....the first...wasn't he?" Sherlock asked softly. "Yes, he was. The first of many more to come. " Seb says quietly. "Despite him being my father, it is one of the few that I don't regret. " Seb states harshly. Sherlock looks sympathetic, knowing that Seb's life of violence began early. Sherlock doubted that any part of Seb's life had been easy. And to have all that information cleared and destroyed, Sherlock understood now what that meant to Seb. "It doesn't matter. Your past is gone. This is the last piece. Your past is yours, but the your future is mine. For as long as you are willing to let me share it with you." Sherlock says quietly, casting the papers into the fireplace. Seb watches them burn with an indifferent look.

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