Chapter 3: Pause

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Authors' note: Two grown men are gonna shag each other senseless. You are going to love it more than you think you would. Enjoy.

"What are you doing...?" Sherlock asked, having never seen this side of the sniper. Sherlock, however, does not pull away or swat Seb's hand away. Seb interprets that as Sherlock allowing him to do...whatever he was going to do. Sherlock's eyes are locked onto the sniper's. Seb is amazed to see there's no fear in the expression, only curiosity.

Right when Seb really begins to question his sanity, he leans forward and presses his lips to Sherlock's. Now when he has tried to this Jim, the consulting criminal had reared back and punched so hard that Seb saw stars. This was the reaction Seb anticipated. It was not the response Seb got. After a second of surprise, the detective responded. And responded Sherlock did, by kissing back.

Sherlock's eyes flicker closed, the floodgates of suppressed emotion opening. Seb felt some tension leave him with a soft surprised sound. Sherlock was matching his soft kiss. Seb reluctantly pulls away to look at Sherlock curiously. Sherlock blinked, clearing the surprise out of his expression. His tongue darted out to muse with the skin on his lips. "What was that for?" Sherlock asked because that's all he wanted to know. Honestly that's all he could think too, with the roaring pulse in his ears. Seb pursed his lips, finding the answer.

"I'm not sure why I did that...." Seb admitted with a noncommittal shrug. "Then for god's sake, why did you stop?" "I needed to see if you were okay with this before I could continue. " Seb says like it's the most obvious thing. "Obviously. Continue, if you want." Sherlock said with a small nod.

Again, Seb leans forward and kisses the detective again, bolder this time. Sherlock felt Seb put small pressure against his bottom lip with his tongue, asking permission to deepen the kiss. Sherlock responds with a small groan and parts his lips to allow it. Seb begins to explore the detective's mouth with a gentleness that only someone who had been hurt had taken into their nature.

Sherlock responds in turn, his good arm gets thrown around Seb's neck as the kiss deepens. A brief few intensely heated seconds later, Sherlock breaks off the kiss to see that Seb was pressed up against him possessively. Seb's arm was around Sherlock's back as support. Still maintaining the kiss, Seb lowered them both down onto the bed, placing Sherlock flat on his back. Sherlock didn't have much time to register the movement before the sniper's lips had moved to kiss the detective's jawline and neck. Not that Sherlock minded. Sherlock tips his head back, displaying the delicate curves of his neck to the sniper's wims.

Sherlock throws his head back and moans when the sniper's hand moved to rub into his groin. Seb had already decided that he liked the sound of Sherlock's normal talking voice, it was a deep, lovely baritone. However when the detective was beginning to be riled, his voice became more sensation than sound. The voice reminded Seb of the purr of a jungle cat combined with the musical puck of a cello string. In all, it was nothing short of sensual and gorgeous.

Seb quickly went wide eyed at the sound, well if his eyes were open. Every move of Seb's was cautious and calculating. Careful of the shoulder, and anything else. Seb forced himself to move slow and gentle, despite his desires to do otherwise. If Seb was perfectly honest, this was what he wanted for some time now. He wanted the contact, he wanted to be able to touch the detective that had been so deliciously aloof. So he was going to take his time, enjoying the contact Sherlock, for now, was allowing.

At last the two pull off for air, and Sherlock has a chance to look around. Seb's shirt was half unbuttoned. The sniper himself was braced over him and Sherlock was flat on his back with the sniper's chest pressed up against the detective's. Sherlock takes a drag of air and attempts to clear the fog and pounding of his own heartbeat in his ears.

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