Chapter 15: New Game

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A few hours later Sherlock awakens, he rolls over to look over at his lover. Seb is waking up as well. Seb was well recovered from the jet lag, the sparkle returned to those gorgeous green eyes. Seb smiles and yawns. Sherlock reaches over and ruffles Seb's ice blonde bed head. "Hey Tiger." Sherlock purrs. "Hi Panther. " Seb runs his fingers into Sherlock's curls, gently rubbing. Seb knows this is the detective's weakness. Sherlock angles his head into Seb's touch practically purring. "Beautiful as always. " Seb purrs softly. "You're sweet..." Sherlock muses when Seb stops.

"But we really should greet John.... You should. And Seb... Please don't scare him too badly." Sherlock laughs. "Alright fine. I won't. " Seb smiles. Sherlock eyes him, and knows that Seb is kinda lying. That Seb has every intention of putting John in his place. Sherlock shakes his head.

Well better get it over with.

Sherlock didn't like the idea of the two people he loved most fighting. But he knew Seb. Seb was protective and would growl at John a bit, letting him know that what John did was not okay. Seb was fully aware of the destructive behavior Sherlock got into when their relationship first began.

John wasn't there. You didn't see the darkness like I did. You didn't have to remove all the needles and razors from Sherlock's access. And when I had subdue the detective from hurting himself. That and deal with the times Sherlock was high and deal with the withdrawals when he decided to quit. So forgive me if I am a little wary of your relationship with my Sherlock. You gave up that right to protect him. You were not there. I was.

Well Seb wasn't going to forgive John as easily as Sherlock did. "Come on. " Sherlock says softly as he sits up. Changing, Sherlock moved into the living room. Seb soon follows after. Sherlock goes to make tea, letting the two military men size each other up. Seb eyes the much smaller man in front of him. Standing at 6'3, Seb was vastly taller, the army doctor barely comes up to Moran's collar. What the smaller man didn't have in height he had in heart and guts, that was for sure. "John?" Seb says quietly. John holds his ground, despite the underlying snarl in the Colonel's voice.

"Captain John Hamish Watson." Sherlock's voice cuts in, reminding them both that he was still there. "Colonel Sebastian Moran." Sherlock introduces them both properly. Both men nod in acknowledgement. "Captain. I don't appreciate betrayal in any form. Especially one so foolish. " Seb's voice is lined with steel.

"Believe me, I never wanted to get involved with the consulting criminal," John says, "But believe me when I say I am tired of people treating me like shit because of one mistake.""It was a pretty big one John. " Seb says in an almost bored tone.

Sherlock is sitting in a chair watching the two military men snarl at one another, silently.

"Obviously...." John snarled. Seb shows no sign of backing off. "I just want to let you know...another betrayal like that will cost you. " Seb growls. John looked at the larger man. "You have no need to warn me, or threaten me." John is scary calm. "No. I do. You don't understand what you put Sherlock through. " Seb is getting angrier by the second. "Then why don't you tell me instead of looking down at me over your nose." John's voice raises in volume also. "He started harming himself and the drugs. That was the only way he knew how to cope. I had to help him with the withdrawals John. It's worse than actual torture to have your own mind force you to relapse then attack you once more as you try to get clean. I had to actually hide all the sharp objects and needles then subdue him! I had to hold him to me as he screamed in agony." Seb snaps. John's eyes go huge and he looks over at the detective. Sherlock sheepishly was looking into his mug, avoiding both of their eyes. Mostly John's horrified expression. Seb takes a calming deep breath, "You can't blame me for getting angry. Not after you put him through that. "

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