Chapter 14: Unexpected

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Author's note: I'm sorry for what we did to John.

Back at the Manor, Sherlock is stewing with restless energy. This was the first time he had been alone since he began his relationship with Seb. But it wasn't the first time Sherlock had been alone, it felt a lot like when John had just betrayed him and he turned to the comfort of the sharp end of needles and razorblades. Right when he begins the crave anything as a distraction his phone buzzes in his pocket.

"What?" Sherlock answered, keeping the irritation out of his voice. "Hello." Sherlock can hear John's familiar voice but there's something changed in it. "What the hell do you want?" Sherlock's voice shows the strain of everything, and his desires to turn to substances. John can hear the vulnerability and anger there, he always could. Even when Sherlock didn't want him to.  "I'm sorry I shouldn't have called." John aches with the want to see Sherlock and try to help him with whatever had caused him to be this way. John knows that he's the cause, and that makes it all the more worse. Sherlock sways from foot to foot, seriously considering hanging up.

"I was just wondering if you could come over and help me with something. I can't do it on my own. " John seriously doubts that Sherlock would help him of all people but he could try. John can hear Sherlock's breath shutter, as he forces back tears. "Call Mycroft. You and I, well, I don't even know...and I don't care." Sherlock trails off. It's right then that John realizes the danger Sherlock is in, to himself. Sherlock is many things, but not apathetic. John knows the only time Sherlock gets like this is when he is alone, the walls of ice go up.

"I can't ask Mycroft for help this time. " A grunt of pain can be heard from John's end. "Yes you can. Goodbye John." Sherlock finally breaks down. "Sherl-"  Sherlock hangs up on John before he can finish. the detective stares down at the phone, fighting off the urge to throw it across the room. The only reason he doesn't is so Seb can call him if something comes up.

John knows something is wrong. Sherlock is in danger to himself. If the detective was tempted to turn to drugs he for sure was now.  John had made Sherlock cry. Sherlock Holmes. Crying. Those two words should not belong in the same sentence. John curses himself then sends Sherlock a text.

I'm sorry- JWText received.

Sherlock didn't respond.This was worse than John expected.

John curses again and calls Mycroft. "Hello John." Mycroft drawls. "Stop with the polite greeting and listen to me. " John's voice is harsh and demanding. "Give me one good reason why I should." Mycroft's voice also turns into a threatening hiss. The elder Holmes brother is not at all happy with John either . "Your little brother is alone and at risk of a relapse. I suggest you do something about it you pompous prick."

John is rewarded with Mycroft's utter silence on the other end. "I could have you killed for that. But for Sherlock, I will make an exception. Thank you for that warning, John." Mycroft says."You're welcome. So get someone there quickly or give me the damn address and I'll do it myself. " John's words were laced with venom. "Sherlock hates my people. It would only make matters worse. You are going to have to do it because I am halfway across Scotland. I will never make it back in time to prevent anything drastic. I will text you the address, but it's your funeral." Mycroft disconnects. Almost immediately after John's phone buzzes with the promised address. The estate is about a half an hour away from where John is now. Much to John's surprise, a cab pulls up beside him, Mycroft had called someone to get John.

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