Chapter 5: Centralization

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Seb, armed with his rifle, was covering Sherlock from the next building over as the detective secured the target on the list of known associations of Jim's. Taking out this target was important, it would set off a domino-like chain reaction needed to lead up to the full collapse of Jim's web. Sherlock ghosts through the compound, gun at the ready. Sherlock frowns, this is almost too easy.... it's only until he get's to the office of the target that he realizes that it was a trap. The target knew he was coming and was waiting. The target knew he wasn't going to make it out alive but he was going to make sure the detective was going up in flames as well.

Sherlock's eyes go wide as he opens the door, Sherlock hears a soft click. Sherlock has just enough time to dive under a desk and cover his ears before the bomb goes off.

Seb, on the adjacent rooftop, sees the whole thing through his crosshairs. Seb's eyes go wide as the building burns. Instantly he springs into action, quickly packing up his gun and runs down the stairs. Jim had always wanted to burn the detective. Seb never figured he would do so literally.

Sherlock....Oh god no.... No.

His clever detective going up in smoke, Seb barely bear the thought. Seb fights back his panic as he kicks down the door to charge inside.

Sherlock....the consulting detective....the sweet kind man, the only one who never saw me as a plaything. The one who saw the man behind the monster. Oh no no no no....

Seb looks around the smoking rubble, looking for any sign of life, of movement.

With faced with the idea that Seb had lost his detective, the sniper understood the depth of his feelings regarding Sherlock.

"Sherlock!" He calls out, still searching. There's movement of to the right as the rubble sturrs. There's a muffled cough and Sherlock's unmistakable groan. Seb runs over and moves the rubble off of him quickly. The detective was alive, and somehow managed only superficial scapes. "Tiger...." Sherlock managed before launching into a coughing fit. Seb hands Sherlock a water bottle that he had in his pack. Sherlock gratefully takes it and drinks from it. Sherlock finally gets a proper look at Seb and the expression on the sniper's face. Seb was nearly in tears with relief. Before Sherlock could protest, Seb had bent over to scoop up the detective to carry to safety. Seb didn't care if Sherlock could walk on his own, the sniper wanted to wrap his arms around Sherlock, to convince himself that he had not lost his detective. Sherlock knows its pointless to protest, so he allows it. Seb holds Sherlock tightly, feeling the panic ebb and change to a no longer persistent buzz. Picking his way through the rubble he finally gets back to the car.

Back at the manor, Seb sets Sherlock gently down on the couch. "Wait." Sherlock says softly and grabs Seb's wrist. "Talk to me. What happened with you back there?" Sherlock asked. Sherlock's blue eyes are locked onto Seb's, once again reading his face. Seb wasn't allowing himself to show anything at all so the detective found that Seb was completely blank. Sherlock didn't like the fact that he couldn't read Seb, but he figures he will allow the sniper time to sort out whatever was on his mind on his own time. Sherlock owed him that much.

Sherlock himself had never been happier to be alive. Sherlock had seen his life flash before his eyes when the bomb went off. And it's amazing what a near death encounter could do for one's priorities. Too long he had been consumed with revenge. Too long Sherlock had allowed himself to be consumed by the anger to let anything else in. That is, until now. "Alright..." Sherlock let go of Seb's wrist and lets Seb pull away. Seb mentally shakes himself, "Do you need anything?"

"No, Tiger. I'm fine." Sherlock looks down at his hands. "Sherlock I..." Seb hesitates. Sherlock looks up silently, Seb has his undivided attention now. Sherlock waits for Seb to finish his thought. "The explosion presented some feelings... Oh fuck it. Sherlock Holmes I think I'm in love with you. " Seb goes silent afterwards.

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