Chapter 16: Complications

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Sherlock gets up sometime in the early morning. The package of guns and other specialized equipment had arrived. Sherlock is cleaning the guns and armor when Seb comes into the room. "Early bird. I thought most big cats slept all day..." Seb is already dressed and showered.

"Couldn't sleep." Sherlock responds vaguely, putting a prepped gun aside. Seb frowns at the rifle that was sent, "Doesn't he know that a proper sniper only has one gun to do long range with?" Seb mutters to himself as he goes to grab his own rifle. Sherlock looks down at the newer gun. "This one could be used as backup." Sherlock mused. Seb nods, "True but mine is already perfectly adjusted. That takes ages to do. "

"That's because that one is mine." Sherlock and Seb look up to see John walk into the room, already in camo. "No. " Seb says firmly. "You could use all the help you can get." John crosses his arms. "You aren't completely healed. " Seb rolls his eyes. "Not sure if I ever will be. And i am itching to prove myself again." John argues. Seb gives the doctor a look made of steel.

"We don't have time for you two to start hissing at one another." Sherlock growls in a tone that makes both military men jump to attention. "Fine. If anything happens to you, you are the only person responsible for it. " Seb turns and starts cleaning his gun. Sherlock looks at Seb's back, wondering if Seb will ever trust John. John will need to do something drastic to earn Seb's trust. Sherlock thinks this over as he packs the rest of the gear and goes to put on the armor provided. Seb hands John a spare set of armor that was sent and puts his own on. Sherlock comes back out, all dressed up in leather and kevlar. "All right, let's go."

Things got a lot more intense than any of them could have ever anticipated. And in the heat of the fire fight, Sherlock had gotten separated from John and Seb. The target had been eliminated but the escape turned to be a lot more hairy than anticipated.

Once through with this group of goons they both look around frantically. Sherlock see's the danger before they do, a flash of light of the glass on the sights as a sniper on the rooftop takes aim. Sherlock can see the little red dot of the crosshairs on Seb. Sherlock knows there's no time to shout. Breaking into a full run, Sherlock is firing at the guy, hoping to disrupt his aim. One bullet hits home on the guy but it's too late, the other sniper has taken the shot. Sherlock jumps and shoves Seb out of the way of the line of fire right as the other sniper's rifle barks. There's a searing pain in his left side, right under the ribs. "What the hell?!" Seb is instantly kneeling on the ground by Sherlock. "Sherlock?!"

Sherlock's hand is covering the wound. "Keep moving." he hisses, controlling the agony from his voice. Sherlock attempts to rise only to have his knees buckle. The blood is covering his side against the kevlar in a black, sticky curtain. Seb catches him, "No. ""You have to get out of here. More are coming. Tiger look at me." Sherlock hissed, grabbing his face. Sherlock plants a hot kiss on his lips. "I love you." Sherlock says with absolute conviction.

"I love you too. John! Make sure Sherlock gets to safety. I'll take the back! Hurry!" Seb barks as John sprints over. John doesn't protest and he doesn't ask permission before he's tossing Sherlock over his shoulders. This wasn't the first time John carried a fellow man out of a combat situation. though it was the first time it was his best friend. John runs as fast as he can with the burden with Seb covering them from the rear. "John...." Sherlock moans, his blue eyes losing color with the lifeblood that was spilling out of the detective's side. Seb's gun fires enough for all the men's' ears to ring. "We're almost there!" Seb calls out.

Seb runs ahead to get the car. With a squeal of tires, they are off. John is attempting to stabilize Sherlock while Seb drives like a madman to the nearest hospital. Seb was much more used to getting out of dangerous situations, with his associations with Jim.  Seb glances in the rear view occasionally, checking up on them.

Sherlock's pale skin has taken on a greyish tinge. His eyes are almost completely colorless with the loss of blood. "Idiot." John growls, his hand clamped on the wound. Sherlock coughs and smiles through the pain, "This is what I get when my heart rules my head...." Seb holds back a snarl, and drives as fast he can. "John.... promise me something...." Sherlock mumbles. John looks down at Sherlock, "Yeah?"

"Forgive yourself, old friend, for everything. You and Seb should take care of one another incase....incase I.... "Sherlock sputters into a coughing fit. "No. You are not allowed to die. That's an order. " John growls. "Might not be a choice of ours, John...." Sherlock murmurs and his eyes flicker closed. "Promise me." Sherlock murmurs with his eyes closed. "I promise. " John says with conviction. Sherlock smiles slightly and goes slack. He has stopped breathing.

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