Chapter 16 - Before meet up

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Squirrels tend to have a lot of luck when it comes to jumping from one tree after another. The longer they do it, the more experience they become. The problem with that is, they can never be getting too used to jumping, because all it takes is one wrong move, and the squirrel will eventually break its neck from falling.

In the case of Kudo Ranran, that seems to be the case. But Sonoko is certain Ranran's evasive luck towards her and Ran are about to change.

Considering Ranran's scheming antics is top-notch, Suzuki has to up her game by studying Ranran's pattern in school. It is recessed where the kids are usually doing their own thing as 6-year-old short brown haired girl awaits the blue-eyed girl's arrival at the student head council office, as she got word that she and Reina are friends and that Ranran often hangs out there alone to secretly play with her video games.

She waited at a corner of one lane in particular, where she knew she can catch her by surprise. Any moment, she is likely to fail to avoid her. The plan is to catch her during her 'gaming business', then corner her to spill the beans. Sonoko knew Ranran has a little OCD issue with the recent video game, one that requires the use of energy drinks.

Energy drink-related games are one of the things Kudo Ranran often cant tolerate, as it is a requirement for Ranran to unlock one story progression after another. And Ranran is said to be a very efficient player, as soon as a newly replenished batch of energy has charged to its max after 3 hours, she blows all of them up just to speed up story progression and leave the game idle for another 3 hours. Since Ranran is a school going child, she can't keep playing games all day.

However, Ranran is also a cunning little fox.

Since she and Reina are good friends, Sonoko is certain she uses that room as her secret gaming room to finish her game before leaving. This is why she decided as soon as Ranran arrives, she is gonna confront her. And just in case Ranran caused any problems for Suzuki, she had Ran hidden in a corner to observe and run to the teacher if anything goes wrong.

Tapping her feet out of boredom, she wonders what is taking Ranran so long.

"You need to stop harassing Ranran 24/7, Suzuki."

Sonoko blinked in surprise,"Eh?!"

Frozen, she turned to see the unexpected owner of the voice. It was Kudo Shinichi, he didn't look please seeing his former friend, "I ain't harassing her! We just wanted answers."

" mean you wanted confirmation on the answers you already made up in your head? Without hearing the truth as you did with me? By coming here? What a coincidence."

"Ooi Tantei geek! Since when you speak so unpleasantly to me like that!"Sonoko reacted in shock before pointing her head, "Did that girl screw your head up so badly, you are no longer able to tell the difference between good and evil?!"Sonoko couldn't help but have a nerve grow behind her head upon even uttering her name.

"Her mind may have been messed up, but her mind is always millions of steps ahead, let alone, at times uses her brain unlike what you and Ran did towards me!"

"You-!Did you forget who was the one who framed you when she broke her leg!?"

Of course, she had to manipulate Shinichi of all people. Why isn't Sonoko surprised? Justifying her lies and evil deeds....only a villainess would do that.

Yes, villainesses in dramas she watches always do that. That sums Kudo Ranran as a person.

Suzuki Sonoko's impression of Ranran was never good, to begin with. Maybe because for starters, after learning what she did, she was surprised to realize Ranran was a lot more sly than she had assumed. Far devious than she had anticipated.

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