Epilogue - Holiday cheers

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After the white tiger case had come to a close, Ranran decided why not named their first case as: 'The Extinction Heist'. And in typical fashion, everyone had to key in the report of their POV, as in making them relive all of the horrors they had to go through.

Mouri Ran and Fuyuko Junko had a hard time typing it all down, as it was a memory neither girls wanted to recount. However, they didn't have much of a choice, given that Tantei association under school grounds falls under the school club category. To maintain their office in school, they had no choice but to produce evidence that activities were done.

The remaining four members, however, had no issues typing it down as if it was normal for them, the two girls do wonder whether the 4 of them are born with defects that made them unable to feel fear after what had happened. After all, the two girls had to see a school counsellor because of all of the kidnapping and gun threats!

Ranran remains leaning on her chair, rocking it back and forth out of boredom. She recently finished up her report while waiting for her apprentice Shinichi to finish it out on the school's laptop.

"Why must I do yours as well!?"He whined, forcing himself to write two reports, one belonging to him and the other belonging to hers. He is rushing to complete both of theirs as the deadline is within an hour, after all, the two have to attend the school assembly on a Monday.

"After breaking into my house, you think I am going to let you off easy?"

"But-"He tried to argue.

"Those two tantei tests I placed on you ain't punishment, that is your apprenticeship test with me."Ranran reasoned.

Alright, she made a pretty fair point in that. "Finally!"Shinichi sighs of relief, "I only have the remaining 5% details to complete for the both of us."

"What is the 5% details you need?"

"The motive part."

"Ah, you mean why Watanabe chose to betray us? Sometimes not all criminals has a motive, they just choose to do it without reason. Just add because of his nephew."Ranran explain based on experience.

"But Ranran, I feel like...there is more to it."He deeply frowns, not understanding the why part.

"Since you noticed, I'll give you a hint."Ranran repositions the chair back to the usual, "Open Takuma's report."

"Why?"He turned to her.

"Just do as I say."

Reluctantly, he moves the cursor before opening Takuma's report."Ok," He then felt intimidated by the many paragraphs in his report, "Ranran, I can't go through reading every single-"

"Check paragraph number 24."

"Number 24?"Shinichi then scrolled down as Ranran went on to explain, "When Tak-san headed over to pay a visit to Watanabe's surviving childhood friend Hashimoto Fujio the 2nd time, I had Tak-chan asked why did Watanabe bothered to learn how to crack cages? There...is where you'll find his motive."

"His motive?"Intrigued, Shinichi went on to read the said 'motive'.

Watanabe Ikeda sighed as he counted the money for the nth time.

No matter how he looked at it, it wasn't enough."Ikeda-san, just send Botan to a normal school. It's not necessarily sending him to the most expensive school that would secure him a better future. What your Nee-san(elder sister) said is wrong."

His sick friend tries to convince him out, they were at the hospital where Watanabe's remaining childhood friend, 60-plus-year-old Hashimoto Fujio lay sickly on the bed, while Watanabe gathered his stolen money here. "She was right, had I put her through overseas school, she wouldn't end up-"

T.A series volume 1: The Extinction Heistजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें