Chapter 29 - The Trolley Dilemma

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"How come you have to be the only one scouring press stories for any Watanabe-related cases!? Is that girl insane or something!?"

Sonoko revealed her disgust for Ranran with a sneer, as there were heaps of newspapers all over the floor at Ran's father's detective agency office, which is placed above a café. Mouri Ran's father isn't around since he has to go to work on a client's case, but Suzuki is assisting Ran in sifting through piles of files in search of any case that recorded Watanabe's robbery in the years preceding his current arrest. After all, the paper rustled when Sonoko and Ran read one of the pieces. It was tough to stay up to date on current events, but they didn't have much of a choice at this point.

"We don't have much of a choice, given how tedious the situation is already." Ran exhales, sorting the ones they've read or had no relevance to the left, while the ones with Watanabe relevance to the right. "Also, the others are already busy with their workload, so I have to do something to speed things up."

After Sonoko had escaped from school with the kids still on her, she received a phone call from Ran, who asked for her assistance in sorting out the news clipping regarding Watanabe. When Sonoko arrived, she was taken aback by the piles of paper on the floor, despite the fact that Ran had only managed to go through 12 newspapers in an hour.

"I have my doubts! She forced you to go through mountains of paperwork dating back to before we were even born! She most likely assigned you this assignment to torment you because of me!" Sonoko was filled with rage and remorse at what Ranran was putting her buddy through; if she hadn't eavesdropped on their talk, Ran wouldn't be in this situation! "Ran, you should resign. Don't bother establishing my innocence! That girl is a psychopath! If the case isn't solved, she'll make your life a living hell!"

"You can't say that, Sonoko. You were there for me when my parents divorced through thick and thin, and as my mother once said, "innocent until proven guilty.""

"But what if we don't succeed, Ran? It's clear from the outset that she doesn't like us! When she had Shinichi strike me with a bat so hard..." Sonoko clipped Ran's remarks, her eyes welling up with tears as she sorted another piece of paper. "However, I am shocked that Miyama was interested in joining the Tantei association."


"She had always been a lone-wolf of her own, having no friends around her and is living well for herself. What is her motive for joining Tantei association I wonder?"Suzuki wonders in suspicion, "Does she not realize what is she getting herself into? Even if she doesn't die under the agency, she won't last long with Ranran's character. I wonder if she is desperate to be part of a club?"

"I doubt it, that doesn't sound like her character."Ran doubts, putting away another newspaper, "I think she did it because she is interested in Ranran."

"Wait, interest over that devil?"Suzuki gazes at her friend in scepticism.

"When you think about it, we don't know anything about Ranran's life before she came here. I'm guessing she needs Ranran's intel to survive in this school. Sine Ranran made so many enemies and that no one is able to defeat her, her intel will probably be the most valuable to Emiko if they want to use it against her."

"You have a point," Mouri said, frowning, "although I don't recall Miyama asking any inquiries regarding Ranran's personal life when we were at Tantei association."

"That demon has always had a stiff upper lip; there's no way she can persuade her to talk." Suzuki ties up another bundle of newspapers after reading the last one, which they finished in the following hour. "Whatever it is, I believe Miyama is making a mistake."


"Cause when you think about it, she is now a member there for the rest of the month."Sonoko waited till Ran was done with hers, only then Ran passed her another newspaper and Suzuki piled it onto the relevant bundle before tying it up once more."Being under a demon like's like slavery for life. What was that Tantei geek thinking when he has chosen to become her apprentice?"

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