Chapter 18 - Haido Mall chaos

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"Seriously, the idea of them running a drug lab underneath a shopping mall of all places...I find it hard to believe it!"

"You have been saying it for the 5th time."

Ranran sighs staring at an overwhelmed Shinichi, pacing back and forth in distress while rubbing his hair in frustration, trying to deal with all of the information he had to deal with since he started his trial on choosing to become Ranran's apprentice. At the same time, she finds it that amusing that someone like him would have a hard time believing all of this, considering his dad took him to crime scenes when he was younger.

Then again, he never learns things like cocaine revelation having been used in the food industry the way she does, so it's no surprise why he is acting the way he is now.

Shinichi being a boy of logic wants to believe what Ranran said is true, that this 'drug lab' thing is running beneath a shopping mall of all places, one that his mom and dad always take him to shop during family time. However.....he has issues with this theory.

"Don't get me wrong, Ranran," he uses her first name to attract her attention, making sure she takes this seriously, "but if I were in some sort of a 'Breaking Bad' show, a mall ain't one of them. You know why?"She shook her head silently as he pointed his finger at the several cars parked nearby, "Cause thousands of families to come here to park their cars here and there, do their shopping here!"He emphasizes his point, "The last place, and I repeat this, the last thing I want people to realize is picking a public place where I might get exposed any minute! That spot over there," he then turns to the renovation site, or 'drug lab', "doesn't fit the agenda of a drug chemist."

"But Shinichi, "She argues, "let's be realistic, would you have considered that behind those walls you are pointing now," she pointed at the same direction of the shady renovation site, "be a drug lab if it wasn't for the smell?"

"I-" he was hesitant as he ain't sure himself.

"No, of course not! And I tell you why, "She pouted at him, listing her point with her finger, "One," her right index finger came up, "even you yourself are having a hard time believe something like this would happen beneath your nose, you don't think the locals who shop here would think of it the same way as you do? I am certain they would think 'Oh, no way something like this would happen, it only happens in tv shows like 'breaking bad' or fictional worlds! I am certain the smell is all in my head'."

Ranran did a mock-up impression of shoppers as Shinichi was tongue-tied.

"Two, "She lifts her middle finger next to the index, "You mention that since this is a public place where many patrons come here to shop with their families, there is no way they are that stupid to do so. Oh, I beg to differ, "her slight British accent came out unexpected, surprising Shinichi a little, as he recalls she only lived there for about 4-5 years since she was a baby, so he didn't think that the accent remained her considering in the books he once read, accents only develop around the age of 5."It's because of such circumstances, this hidden venue is the reason why it is the perfect disguise spot to do their bidding. Haven't you heard the saying 'hiding in plain sight? Well, there you go."

The two kids kept turning their heads at the spot and then towards each other.

"Lastly, Shinichi, do you know of any shopper who would daringly get close to a renovation site, just to risk getting killed by dangerous hazardous equipment and stuff? Especially with those warnings do not cross signs surrounding the area!?"She waved her hand onto the surroundings of the site, where the bars are obvious."Renovation sites are like freaking crime scenes, though people do cross it, I wouldn't think the majority would with all the shady nonsense going on behind it."

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