Chapter 19 - Supervision

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When 10-year-old Majima Michio got called over to the residence of the Kudo family by cycling his bike, he didn't imagine himself ending up in some expensive looking mansion, let alone, in a lavishly decorated living room so to speak.

It wasn't that he wasn't used to seeing large mansions of that sort, especially western-style ones to say the least. His part-time job as a babysitter often takes him to places he never thought possible. Then again, baby-sitting services in Japan ain't as popular as it is in a Western country. Presumably due to the culture relying on their loved ones to look after their kids is more of an acceptable solution than relying on a stranger. However, some parents hire babysitters in Japan as a form of privilege reserved for high-income earners, after all, they can't just sit at home all day looking after children while they watch money slipping through their fingers. However, adults rarely hire Michio since he is a kid himself.

Anyway, probably for that reason, Michio had already gotten used to seeing all of this here and there, parking his bike as he pressed the door intercom, "Yes, who is this speaking?"The voice boomed.

"Ah? Hi, it's Majima? Majima Michio?"

"Ah, he is here! Alright, wait just a minute alright?"

The gate soon opens on its own as he enters the compound.


No matter how many manors he had entered, he can never get used to seeing how lavish the house is, let alone, the living room he is currently in now.

This living room is no different from the ones he has seen. But what strike to his amazement was, the interior reminded him of a Versailles palace. Luxurious fancy looking couch and sofas, sparkling brightly lit chandelier hanging above them, as well as some antique-like table in between.

"I am sorry. You mention.....the grandkids are around 6 to 7 years old!?"The boy was in disbelief as he sat on the sofa in the living room.

Now Majima has gotten requests over on looking after kids younger than the age mentioned. Since they can't cook or fend for themselves, Michio had always done it without complaints while their parents are away. 6 years old by account is considered to be young as well in Michio's books.

Except.....this is Japan, where kids here are very independent to the core around that age!

Considering they are both 6 or 7 years old, they shouldn't have any problem looking after themselves, let alone, require the services of a babysitter. After all, by that age, they should be able to cook their own meals, or order takeaway of that sort if their parents aren't around. Maybe....since both of them are born spoon-fed all the time thanks to this.....supposed lifestyle, they were unable to look after themselves. Michio can't help but think.

Out of curiosity, Michio asks, "Forgive me for asking this, but shouldn't they be old and smart enough to be taking care of themselves by then? I mean....." he paused, "I know most of my friends at that age being able to do those things?"

"They can take care of themselves."The man answered, before he had a deadpan look," It's the part where they can't is where you step in."

The part they can't?! "What is the part they can't?"

"It's during after school you need to look after them, or whenever they are free."

"Why?"Michio asked, confused over such an arrangement.

"Well, here is the thing. That is the problem."The elderly man is hesitant to explain, but his wife's glare made him continue to do so, "Our grandchildren are both born as prodigies."

Bruh!? Prodigies!? That is Michio's first time having such....client? He hasn't accepted their request yet, so he shouldn't jump to conclusions too soon.

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