Chapter 34 - Sins of the Past

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Michio ran across to the trailer and unlocked the door. It was pitch black inside. "Junko," he called softly. "It's okay, I'm here..."

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, something stirred in the darkness. He heard a sob and a scraping sound, like a shoe on metal. The next minute, a figure was rushing towards him.

"Michio!" Junko cried and leapt into his arms. "You found me!"

"Daijoubu (Are you alright)?" he asked her. "They didn't hurt you?"

She trembled like a leaf. "I was imprisoned all day! They bombarded me with questions about Watanabe Ikeda, birds, and a tiger!" She stared about in a daze. "So, where are we? When they brought me here, I couldn't see anything."

"Well, I believe Mr Rupert, the ringmaster, abducted you," Michio stated. "You are in a circus. That's why you heard an elephant." He took her hand in his and pushed her away from the trailer. "We believed you were in the zoo when we heard your message about the elephant. Then Ranran got the idea that you may be at a circus, and here I am. " he smugly admitted, before adding, "I owe it to Amelia for bringing us here."

In the moonlight, Junko looked up at his face. Just when he believed she was about to compliment him as he had always hoped, she replied, "Wait, who is Amelia!?"

Michio almost fell to his feet. "Wha-?"

"Amelia! That's a girl's name!"

"Oh! I nearly forgot!" Michio recalled before attempting to explain, "She is Ranran's friend who works here-"

"Wait,  Ranran!? You mean that savage demon that sent two hounds after me!?" Uh oh...this isn't looking good for Majima, as Junko became enraged, "So, in other words, is she behind my kidnapping!?"

"Hah!? Did they hit you severely in the head, Junko!?" Michio is taken aback, "Ranran may be an intelligent 6-year-old, but she's not capable of planning an abduction. Amelia is also an old acquaintance from her previous hometown. Plus, do you believe a 6-year-old like her is capable of using adults to abduct you out of nowhere!?"

"Well...I guess you have a point when you put it that way." Junko couldn't help but believe Michio is right.


"Even so! What about Amelia!?"Junko quickly moves on to the next question.

"What about her?" He looks at Junko.

"Is she pretty?"

"Hah!? What does this have to do-"

"You are avoiding the question? I am assuming yes then, "Then Junko fired another question, "Did she kiss you before taking you to see me!?"

"What?!"That made Michio blush thinking about the greeting, "I-"

"So it's a yes!"Junko knew this since Michio wasn't good at lying, and his face says it all, "So while I was fearing for my life, you were busy hanging out with some girl prettier than me!"

"That isn't it!  I was with the other members debating where you were likely to be taken when I came across this advertisement of this circus pamphlet and thought of coming here," Michio claims.

"Michio, it's not good to lie!" Junko gave a speech. "Just because she is pretty and all of that, doesn't mean you had to comply with her stupid demands for my sake!"

By this point, Michio was fuming, so much so that one could almost hear a noise resembling a train's horn.


While the others observe Ranran finally able to contact Genzo through the police department, his call was dispatched through his home."I'll be right over," Inspector Genzo told them when he heard about Watanabe Ikeda's visit.

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