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The next month was so hard to keep quiet about the baby

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The next month was so hard to keep quiet about the baby.

"I'm proud of you for keeping quiet Theo."

"I'm surprised in myself honestly." He laughed.

"Ready to go see our little blob?"

"Oh, I am more than ready sweetness."

We headed out to his truck and he helped me in and we headed over to Dr. Sparks office.

I signed in and it wasn't long until the nurse came and got me and checked my blood pressure and weight before taking us into a room.

When she walked into the room she smiled. "Hey, guys! Come to see the baby?"

"Oh yeah, we can't wait." I smile.

"Is this the dad?"

"For sure! Nice to meet you I'm Theo Kingston."

"Nice to meet you. Let's look at your baby and see where we are."

"Can we tell our family now? It's been killing us keeping it in."

"As soon as I get a look I will let you know."

She clicked button after button and then pointed to the screen. "Your baby is getting bigger and everything looks good."

"When can we find out what the gender is?" Theo asked.

"Usually around twenty weeks or so if they cooperate."

After she wiped the gel off I had Theo get my purse and I pulled out a box of chocolates.

"Dr. Sparks I made these for you."

"Oh, goodness is that chocolate?"

"It's a variety from my shop."

"Wait are you Chuck's daughter?"

"You know my dad?"

"Yes, I know your mom and dad! We went to school together."

"Small world." I laugh.

"Where are they now?"

"They moved to Florida and loving retirement."

"I'm jealous!" She laughed. "Make sure to make an appointment next month and if you have any questions before then just call ok?"

"Thank you so much, Dr. Sparks."

"Here are your pictures now you can show your family." She smiled walking out of the room.

"Can we go make the candy now?"

"We can but it needs to be a secret so I think I can tell the guys don't come to the back area where I work we are working on a secret."

"Sounds good! Let's go get some lunch and then work on the chocolate."

"Can you go get me a frosty from Wendy's with some fries I want to dip them?"

"That actually sounds good."

I look over and giggle. "I wanna dip you like a fry in a frosty."


"Oh my god don't you listen to country music Theo?"

"No not normally."

"It's a song called Fancy like... by Walker Hayes."

"I guess I'll have to listen to it."

We grab our food and head back to work. I explain to the guys we are making something top secret so don't come back there.

Theo grabbed the ingredients for me and I got started and once it all started coming together he understood.

"Theo, can you go in the back and get two medium candy boxes?"

"Sure sweetness."

When he comes back he picked the perfect sizes for the candy to go inside of.

I put the candy in the freezer and dared the guys to go back there for the next hour.

"I want to know the big secret boss."

"You will find out tomorrow I promise!" I smile at him.

An hour later I went back to check on the chocolate and it looked perfect. I didn't have time to send one to my parents so I figured a FaceTime call showing them would have to do since they were so far away.

I arranged the chocolates in the box and Theo smiled.

"I get your vision now sweetness. It's perfect."

A couple of hours later we headed over to his parent's house and I was beyond excited because this is all they ask for besides chocolate.

"Are you ready sweetness?"

"I'm so ready. Do you have the sonogram?"

"You know I do! It's in my pocket."

We walk in and find them in the kitchen.

"Hey, guys what's up?" Donnie asked smiling.

"We come to have dinner with you guys and ordered some pizza," Theo said.

Kalene walked into the room. "I'm glad you guys are here." She hugged me before sitting down.

"Before the pizza gets here we have something for you guys and the same thing for my parents so if you don't mind I want to FaceTime them before you open this box."

"Oh boy it's going to be a new delicious chocolate that you have come up with isn't it?" Donnie laughed.

"Something like that dad." Theo chuckled.

I get my mom and dad on FaceTime and hold up the phone as Theo hands his dad the box.

"Alright open it!" Theo said.

Donnie lifted the box top and I zoomed in on the chocolate for my mom and dad and then I heard her scream about the same time that Kalene screamed.

"Oh my god! You're having a baby!" Kalene jumped up and ran over and hugged me.

☎️ Vaylin sweetie how far along are you?

☎️ I am twelve weeks. We went to the doctor today. Hang on Theo has a sonogram picture.

Theo hands the sonogram over to his parents and they lay it on the table so I can zoom in.

"We find out hopefully by twenty weeks," Theo said.

☎️ We are so excited for you guys! Can't wait to find out what it is. We may need to make a trip to New Hampshire.

☎️ I would love that mom. I miss you both! Love you!

☎️ Love you too Vaylin! Bye, everyone!

The doorbell rang and Theo went and grabbed the pizza while Donnie was still looking at the sonogram.

"Can we eat the candy Vaylin?"

"No, I need to take that to work to show my employees not to mention my best friend and Beth so don't say anything ok?"

"Our lips are sealed right, Donnie?"

"Right dear." He laughed rolling his eyes.

We sit down and eat pizza and talked about baby things.

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