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The shower was a hit but bringing all of the bags in was a chore

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The shower was a hit but bringing all of the bags in was a chore.

As I took each bag up Vaylin was smiling sitting in the rocking chair that I got her.

"Theo I love this chair!"

"I'm glad you like it sweetness I wanted it to be a surprise for when we got back."

"It really is a surprise and I love it and that it's purple." She smiled.

I walked over and kissed her lips before grabbing the last of the gifts and going back upstairs.

When I came back upstairs I found Vaylin sitting on the floor looking through the bags.

"We got a lot of stuff didn't we?"

"We really did and they went overboard but we needed it. We didn't have anything besides the bed stuff." She smiled.

"Do you want to go through it now?"

"Please? I would love to do that."

I sit down on the floor next to her and we went through all of the clothing and different things.

"I can't wait to hear her make noises in this monitor Theo."

"I think I am just as excited as you are sweetness."

"I am pretty big huh?" She laughed.

"You look beautiful Vaylin and even more so carrying our child."

"You say the sweetest things, Theo. I love you so much."

"I love you too very much sweetness."

I leaned over and kissed her lips before we pulled more items out of the bags.

A couple of hours later we had most items put away and the clothes were in a basket to be washed tomorrow.

"Are you ready to get ready for bed?"

"Umm no I think I want some ice cream and banana peppers."

"God woman that sounds horrible but let's go."

"I can't help it I just crave it, Theo."

"Let's go and I will make it for you."

I helped her off the floor and we headed downstairs and I got her the chocolate ice cream and banana peppers without gagging.

I got myself a bowl of chocolate ice cream and we went to the couch to sit and eat it.

"I was very shocked that my parents showed up Theo."

"I was hoping it was a great surprise but I can't take credit for it because it was all my dad."

"Your dad loves me more than he does you." She laughs.

"You are probably right plus you make chocolate that he loves so that ranks you high." I laugh.

"It's hard to believe that in less than a month we are going to have a baby in our arms, Theo."

"Sometimes I don't even know how I got to this place but I would like to think that Jenna led me to the shop."

"That is a nice gesture Theo and you never know she may just have done that. I think we need to let Patti know once she's born what her name is."

"I think that's a great Theo. I'm not sure If I could take her crying now."

"I know your hormones are all over the place."

"They are and I can't help but cry when I see her now that I am about to be a mom and to spend eighteen years with someone and then they are just gone."

"Yeah, I don't know how she's doing it really," I said taking our bowls to the kitchen.

"Are you ready for bed now?"

"I think so. I want to start on those new molds tomorrow."

"Where are they sweetness I didn't get them?"

"Oh no, I'm not sure. Maybe he gave them to Issac."

"Didn't he hand you a bag sweetness?"

"oh yeah i forgot. I put it on the dining room table."

I help her off the couch and we head upstairs and head to bed.

In the middle of the night, Vaylin woke me up in pain. I helped her to the bathroom and she was cramping badly.

"Theo I'm not sure what active labor feels like but I'm having a lot of cramps.

"Let's get you back in bed and we will see how far apart they are and well I may need to take you to the hospital."

"It's too early Theo. She can't be coming tonight."

"I've heard that babies do come early and a month isn't bad sweetness."

I helped her back in the bed and put a wet rag on her head and helped her to breathe and before I knew it she was back asleep.

I was so worried but once I knew she was asleep I went downstairs and got myself a drink of water and got back in bed and went to sleep.

Later that morning when the alarm went off I woke up and looked over at Vaylin and she was still asleep. I didn't really want to wake her up.

I continued to stare at her and she opened her eyes and smiled at me. If your wondering I'm feeling ok this morning but thank you for last night."

"How are you feeling sweetness?"

"I'm ok just sore. I think I will call Dr. Sparks and ask about what happened."

"Sounds like a good idea. I'm going to go take a shower but holler if you need me."

"I will Theo." She smiled sitting up in bed grabbing her phone.

I took a fast shower because I really didn't want to leave her alone for long and when I walked out with a towel wrapped around me I asked what did they say.

"They called it Braxton Hicks and that it's normal right now."

"Well, that makes me feel better. Are you going to work today?"

"Yeah, I think I will Theo."

"Alright, then I am driving you."

"Sounds good." She smiled.

I got dressed and when I come out she had a cute little maxi dress on and had her hair pulled up into a bun.

"Are you sure you feel like going sweetness?"

"I promise and I also promise that if I get to feeling bad I will call you or get Issac to call you ok?"

"Deal!" I smiled at her.

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