Chapter 3

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You saw Derek beat Nate up so bad, you stopped him as tears began to flood your eyes, he noticed your dress was torn and covered you with his jacket as he took you home, no conversation was spoken just utter silence. Hey, Derek called out as he looked at me with painful eyes," are you okay?". I just nodded as no words wanted to come out, this was just too painful for me to bear, today I almost got rapped, I used to think Nate was so handsome and all, he was my crush for years, whenever he came near me, I would have a blood rush now only disgust evades my body this is just sick. Hey, look at me, he called out again, but this time he was alerting me of the presence of mom, seeing her face, she already knew what had happened. I'm fine, I need to use the bathroom, I ran as fast as I could, shutting the door behind me. What the hell, confusion hit my head like a nasty fall, How could Derek do that, he might get in trouble if Nate sues him for assault, in this town he was highly favored with all the money he has, all his problems disappear in seconds. Derek knocked at the door 5 times, I followed his pace, how I knew he knocked 5 times. "I'm ok, Derek", I whispered back, hoping he would leave. Bella can I come in please, he pushed the door open and locked it. He stood in front of me, just knelt before me, and embraced me in a warm hug, not letting go. I'm sorry Bella for everything, for letting that lunatic touch you the way he did, I'm sorry for also being the reason you agreed to this double date in the first place. Hey, it's ok, thank you for saving me, I don't know what I would have done if he had raped me, he knew, I've, I've....... Silence grew as you noticed you almost told him you were a virgin. It's ok Bella, I'm glad you are ok, how about I run you a bath, he smirked. Are you going to watch me bath?. Nope, he said, I'm bathing with you, I need to make sure you're spotless clean. But, but, I shyly spoke, I've never you cheeks at this rate were burning red with all the shyness he was making me feel. Shhh baby girl I got you, your mom and Roman are out, asked them to give you space, so it's just me and you. "You want me to remove that jacket or are you going to do that yourself", he lustfully asked?. "I'll do it myself", you quickly answered. Removing your underwear, you quickly entered the bath, hoping he was looking at your naked self. Hahahaha girl, he smirked I already saw everything when I kissed you, you do notice you were half-naked to remember? You silently nodded as embarrassing feelings took over. Shhh girl, calm down I ain't gonna bite you unless you ask me to he playfully teases as he enters the bath with you, feeling all your body slowly, bringing your face close to his, he placed a kiss which was soft but gentle, he didn't let go, that moment felt like it was frozen as neither of us moved. I'm sorry Bella, for getting so angry today, I don't like it when you see that side of me, he looked deep into my eyes never moving, and he kissed me not letting go. We kissed for about 15 minutes as his fingers trailed all around my body, leaving no room for me to move, I was able to let out small moans of pleasure as I called his name. He kissed me as he bathed me, slowly and gently like as if I was a fragile lamb, washing me limb by limb, placing kisses everywhere on my body. Don't worry, I'll continue this when we just the two of us and when the mood isn't Nate related, he said as he towel dried my whole body, making sure every time he dried, he kissed me. Thank you, Derek, for saving me tonight, I owe you a lot, I kissed him gently on the lips, leaving no room between us and I went to my room, worried about the feelings I had developed for my stepbrother, it was wrong on every level, but I enjoyed every moment he kissed and touched me, the way he kissed me felt so good, I was able to touch myself as I thought only of him, as I reached a solo climax, I was able to pass out leaving every feeling Unanswered except the one of sensual pleasure. Would anyone be able to avoid such a hot guy, especially when he is touching and caressing you heavily, I'm falling deeply in love with him and this is bad, terrible, mom will kill me or worse Roman can end up leaving mom and I will be to blame for it.

I woke up, got dressed, and got ready for the pity party the family was going to be throwing at me. "Good morning sweetie", mom looked at me with sorrowful eyes that made me shiver. Will it be ok for you to go to school today? Roman asked. No mom, please may I just be in my room, I can't face everyone today at school, is Derek gone already?. He came home pretty drunk, so I highly doubt it, let me go check on him, Roman stood, leaving me with mom. Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen, he almost, you cry uncontrollably. "Shhh, my baby, don't cry", mom hugged me trying to calm me down, I just couldn't control the pain I was feeling. Why me mom, why does it always happen to me, I liked Nate, and he took advantage of my feelings, mom just hugged me without saying anything. Moments later after having some hot cocoa, it was the only thing that calmed me down even when I was little, we heard Roman and Derek fighting, they were cursing at each other and I just snapped, making my way to the room, there I saw my Stepdad angry and shaking after slapping Derek so hard. Stop Roman, I shouted, why don't you understand him, can't you see how much he is hurting, huh?. Stay in your lane girl, you should respect your elders, go to your room or your mom, this is between me and him, I am sick and tired of his attitude towards you and this family, he looked at Derek with angry eyes, but it doesn't mean you should treat him like this, he is the reason I'm ok today, I would have been raped if it wasn't for him, do you know how much that hurts, please go easy on him, I pleaded with Roman, as I left crying shutting and locking my room. You woke up with a heavy headache, and noticed Derek by your door knocking, you were able to open for him, he entered and closed the door, looking at you with heavy eyes. Bella we need to talk, I need to tell you something, and I don't know how you will take it, that is worrying me. He pushed you gently till you were lying on the bed, and he kissed you, placing his head with yours, failing to utter even one word. What is it? I asked him, he looked at me, and he failed to answer again. You worrying me Derek, what's going on?, I'm leaving Bella he sighed heavily.....................

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