Chapter 11

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What's there to explain mom, huh?, I held Derek's hand, knowing and feeling the anger that was arising in him. The guy dresses and leaves, leaving us with just her. Derek just stood there, not saying anything. " I am sorry you saw that, I truly am, but am I not allowed to live ?", she looked at both of us. Mom, you are but come on, kitchen counter in front of us, really mom?. " Bella, let me go get some of your stuff by the car, I leave you two to talk, he kisses me, I love you my wife", he whispered. Okay, I sat down with her. Mom, who was that?. " A new man in my life, I love him Bella, and we have been seeing each other for a few months. He was there for me when your stepfather died, and we just grew close", mom looks at me. Mom, but why did you just have sex, I had told you we coming today. " it's cause I thought you were coming later, and we just got lost at the moment, just like what you did, having sex while we were next door with your step-brother. How you think that looks Bella huh", she looked at me. I grew silent.  You know what mom, ill give you space, ill stay with Derek somewhere to forget all this, because doctor said I should stress or get worked up. I stood and just left, not listening to her beg and all. I found Derek in the car crying and looking hurt. Hey baby, are you okay?, I embraced him as I got inside. " No, just that I wasn't expecting to find her with another man , same thing my mother did for my dad to walk out, I'm sorry Bella", he kisses me. It's okay baby, let's get out of here, I need to blow off some steam and only my husband knows how to do that, I wink at him. We left not looking back as this was angering me so much, you know how weird it is to walk in  and find your mother in such a manner damn, I can't even get the pictures out of my head, we get home.  Hey babe, you really have been awfully silent, are you okay?. He just shrugged yes without saying anything. Come on D, at least be cheerful you with me and we having a baby,  isn't that something to look forward too?. "How we even going to tell your mom we married?, how different are we from them, huh?. ", he looked at me worriedly. D, let's not worry about all that tonight, let's enjoy this night as husband and wife, what you say, huh?. He kissed me like a hungry lion feeding on its prey, first slowly then, deepening the kiss, locking our tongues together as if we were one. I felt alive, and free when I was with him, in short he completely changed me, my life and most of all he completed me. We enjoyed the night together watching movies, cuddling, It felt like we were teenagers again which made me laugh. " What are you laughing at?", he looked at me. The fact that this feels like our first date, wait it is,we never had time when we went on dates our relationship started with a lot of emotions and now those emotions created a life. You make me happy, D, and I love you. He smirked as he pulled me closer to him, kissing me , I felt all emotions as his fingers trailer my body, how could such a guy have so much power on me, damn. " Bella, I love you and I will do right  by you and our baby, ill love you till my last breath and I want to provide all the happiness you truly desire", he smiles at me. Why you being so cringe tonight?. " Because I'm serious Bella, you my wife and mother of my babies that holds a lot in my life", he kisses me not letting go as well fell asleep holding on to each other.

Days passed, and I've been avoiding my mother but D believes we should all sit and Talk things through without using those cold harsh words, and he's right, we've avoided it for too long. We make our way there and find her with the man, how boring is this going to be, not only boring but awkward. Couldn't she at least wait to invite him before calling us over. D I'm not happy about this, but I'm only doing this cause you asked me too. " just be strong my wife it will all be over soon okay", he smiles as we make our way greeting them and taking a seat. " Hi to both of you, sorry I called you short notice, but I believe we must talk calmly, first let me introduce you to Mike, He's my friend and lover, the man I'm seeing", mom looks at both of us. "Hi nice to meet you" I said, avoiding eye contact, Derek just nods. "We wanted to tell you that we just decided to get married, and move back to my old house", she looks at me. Wow! just great why do I feel like there's even more coming, anger was arising in me as Derek held my hand calming me down. " I know you not happy to hear that Bella, but I also must move on, I'm not getting younger, I'm becoming  a grandmother soon, Mike only has me to take care off , all I'm asking is you support me in this just as I supported you when Roman found out you two were having sex in his house", she looks at Derek, but he just sat there silently. Mom you are way out of line, I'm your daughter how can you treat me like this huh, what have I ever done to you for you to treat me like as if my opinions don't matter, huh?. " Bella enough, I'm getting married because I'm pregnant", mom shouted as that shook you till everything went black.....................................................

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