Chapter 5

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I've started working as a fashion Designer for Monroe in New York City, guess what I make, bridal couture. I'm dating one of the biggest basketball players in New York City, not that I'm complaining, but I always feel I'm not the only girl in his life. Come on he's always traveling and sleeping in hotels, you want me to think all is good, if it was, why has he never called me when he's abroad?. Anyway, tonight we having dinner, can't believe we going to be home, it's been a long time since we ate at home, just me and him, or maybe it's because tomorrow is my birthday, he plans on seducing me like he always does, He's got this hot, sly way of making me surrender my everything to him, damn he's hot, as you got home and found him with nothing but a towel and water particles dripping on his body. Hey handsome, * as you kissed him * Baby girl, you smell so tempting, I wanna take you right here right now, as he deepened the kiss, your whole body was surrendering to him, you became a slut for him, he would do anything, from whips to tieing you on the bed, and still made you feel good, Anthony was like a god in bed that made you fall deeper for him. Take me now as you stripped down, kissing and surrendering yourself to him. "Have you been a good girl?", he whispered as he sucked and kissed your ear. Yes, daddy, I moaned as he kissed my neck, biting and leaving marks everywhere on me. Do you want daddy to rip you right now? He asked as he took my bra out, leaving me bare for him. Yes daddy, rip me now, and he pushed himself deep inside, his movement radiated like a slow and fast song, he went deeper making you moan like you were high on drugs. Daddy, I want more, you cried to him, and he pushed deeper going in a slow and fast pace making you cum while moaning his name louder, no guy had made love to you like that, it was short, but the orgasms took me to another heaven, as thoughts lingered on my mind. "Baby, let's eat naked, I want to see everything part of you as I eat", he asked, kissing you. Hmm OK, you prepared food and served him naked, he smacked your ass every time you came to him. Damn girl, I love everything about you, you satisfy me in every way, he looked at you deep making you blush. You sat and ate, feeling shy at the fact that he never took his eyes off you. Anthony stood and came to you, baby I love you, and I want to be your man, your best friend, your dominator when we fuck, I want you to be my submissive, to allow us to grow together as we enjoy each and every part of us, he got down on one knee and looked at you with eyes filled with fire and desire. Marry me, Bella, make me the happiest man on earth. Joy and excitement took over you, and you quickly said yes, kissing him deeper as he put a huge shiny diamond ring. You are my queen Bella, my submissive, my everything, and now you'll be my wife.

Days passed as the wedding was lingering closer. I can't believe tomorrow I'm getting married, it's really happening. But it was not that huge type of wedding, just a few friends to keep it low-key cause of his status, but isn't it my day? Shouldn't I find myself planning everything I would want for this one special, no? but no, he paid everything to those damn wedding planners. Hey Bella, as I turned around I saw Eva, my heartbeat so fast as I last saw her years ago after Derek. When did you come, I hugged her not letting go damn it's been long girl. Well, I wouldn't miss your wedding, thank you for inviting me. I know we haven't spoken in years, and things didn't end well with us cause of Derek. I am truly sorry Bella, you were my best friend and I really miss you, she held my hand not letting go. It's ok, I'm glad you're here, otherwise, I would have gone crazy with Anthony's annoying sister. She giggles, but it feels good to have you, especially with everything that's happened. She looked at me as though I knew she would ask about Derek, I looked down. "Don't worry, we won't talk about him again till you are ready", she smiled at me. Let's get some rest so that we prepare for tomorrow, I need my beauty sleep, I smiled back at her with a naughty grin.

Today is the day I become Anthony's everything, funny how things turned out. Never thought I would get over Derek, but I did. Everyone gets ready and as I put on that wedding dress everything seemed so real and beautiful, Eva walked me down the aisle, the moment my eyes looked at Anthony, I felt the world stop as though it was the two of us. Taking my hand, he kissed it so gently. You look so beautiful baby, he kissed my cheek, as it flushed red with all the shyness I was feeling. The official began the ceremony, we said our vows, but before he got to the ring part, He asked us the "do part", I was first, I looked at Anthony and no thought came as I quickly said yes!. His turn came he looked at me deep in the eyes and said, " You don't deserve to be hurt, I really love you with all my heart, but I can't do this, I can't do this to you", he left running, not looking back. My world came crumbling down, how could he leave like that, tears just flowed as Eva came to comfort me, but it wasn't going to work. Why did he let us get this far, the whole world is watching what the hell!!!!!!!!, I ran to my apartment seeing it was very near, not looking back I locked myself inside and cried, tears just came rushing down like a flooded river, this was the last time I allow a man to hurt me like this, I don't deserve to be treated like an option that's not important, I AM WORTH A LOT !!!!!!!, It's time I take care of myself, these are the last tears I will ever shed for any man. How could Anthony leave me like that, I could see it in his eyes, but I need an explanation. I stood up and took my phone as my hands were shaking profusely. His phone rang three times, and he picked up, I quickly asked him," why did you do that? don't cut the call, please give me an answer. I'm sorry Bella, I love you so much, and I didn't want to hurt you, you have been so good to me, I don't deserve you, he fell silent. "Then why didn't you do that before making me walk that aisle?", I angrily asked him. "I wanted to marry you, but reality hit me hard, you were going to be even more hurt", he said." Hurt by what, huh? why did you leave me in front of all those people?", You asked him. I'm having a baby, Bella.....................

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