Chapter 6

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I cut the call, I'm sick of all this. My heart can't take this hurt anymore. Why are men so filthy to us girls? They have no idea how much we go through. Well, other girls will never face what I have, maybe it's Karma hitting me back for sleeping with my step-brother, but come on it's not like we were blood related only by our parent's marriage. Weeks pass, work is the only thing that keeps you sane, getting home, you receive a call from mom. "Hey baby, I'm sorry I have bad news", mom started crying. "What's wrong mommy ?, why are you crying like this huh?", I asked. "Roman passed away, he got into an accident last night, doctors thought he would make it, but he died in the morning today", she cries hard. I'm sorry mom, let me book a flight and come there. Be strong mommy, I love you. Looking for flights was easy cause of my travel points, it makes everything convenient. You get a flight leaving in 40 minutes and immediately pack and leave. Making it home, can't believe I'm back here as you took a step inside home. A few people were present, finding your mom just looking broken, made you feel so sad. Hey mommy, it's ok,I'm here now, I took a seat next to her, hugging her, comforting her, this is never easy. Hi hunny, I'm so glad you're here, look at how big you are now, you never visit or call, the city life has consumed you, she looked deep inside me. No mom, I'm sorry, things are hectic at work , but I'm here for some time don't worry okay. Ok hunny, get some rest, Derek will be arriving in a few hours. My heart stopped beating for a moment, hearing that name, knowing I'll have to face him tonight, made me cringe. I got courage to respond to mom, okay mommy, I'll leave my bags in my room and go rest by the patio at the back. I rushed to my room, removed all the clothes I had on, and put on clean ones. One thing I was grateful for was the fact that after Derek my body grew well, I had a huge ass and round globe breasts, and became so good in bed. I can't believe I'll have to face him in such circumstances, I took a seat and closed my eyes as I gasped in the fresh moist air outside. Getting inside the house, as mom called me. I froze seeing him there, bulkier than ever, even hotter than before, things were going to be hard this time damn. He looked so hurt as he looked up, seeing me made him uncomfortable, I could see his shoulders tense. "Hey hunny, greet your brother and his fiancé, don't just sit there", mom spoke in a low tone. "Hi both of you, my deepest condolences, it's sad we had to meet under such circumstances", I said, avoiding eye contact with Derek. Hi, I'm Jane, his fiancé, she smirked. Nice to meet you, please excuse me, I need fresh air. I left the room, not turning back. As I stood outside, I could feel his eyes staring at me, I ignored him, not moving from my place. "Hi Bella", he came towards me, all I could smell is his intoxicating scent, how I missed this. "Hey,I'm truly sorry about Roman", I responded. He just stood there, no words said. "We should catch up after all this, I'm going inside", I said, as I left, my heart couldn't stop beating fast.

Day of the funeral came, how hard it was but mostly for Derek, I could see how hurt and broken he was, yet he kept a strong front, his girl never left his side and here I was starting to feel damn jealous. The service was Beautiful, we said our goodbyes, I can't believe he's really gone, I went to the reception area to catch myself, but found Derek in tears. I couldn't say anything, I just sat next to him, consoling him. "I'm sorry Bella, I hate for you to see me like this", he looked at me with painful eyes. Please get me out of here, I just need to be away , he begged me. Shouldn't I get Jane, you guys leave together, I replied. "She went back to work, her boss was starting to be rough, please Bella, help me", he asked me. Ok fine, let's go, how about we go to that casino. I drove as I was the same one, we got in, it wasn't packed, but it felt nice to be out again after all this. Where you want to start? I looked at him. Let me get us drinks you grab us chips at the Table we play Russian roulette. Ok, let's do this, I grabbed us chips and sat by the roulette table there were so many men, it felt really uncomfortable and Derek was taking forever to get drinks. Hey sexy lady, as a filthy drunk men spoke, grabbing my ass as if he owned me. "Leave me alone!!!!", I pushed his hand away, that just made him angry. How dare you, you wear an inviting dress, he slaps my ass again. Leave me alone, I shove his hand away, before he slapped me, Derek stood there, eyes filled with anger. "Let's go, He's not worth it," I looked at him. I'm ok, as I left I bumped into one of the waiters, ruining my dress and Derek's pants as he caught me before I hit the floor. I'm so sorry , he laughed, that was the first time I saw that sexy sweet smile. "Let's get a room and clothes we change, on me", he said. We left to the nearest hotel, looking for two separate rooms was hard, we took one, how I know we would regret that.  We got clothes to change and went inside. You go in first, I want to sort my hair, I looked at him. He went in and hit the shower, when he came out, my heart beat fast as he's towel was wrapped around his waist, all his tattoos were visible, his body dripped water. "Bella, stop staring, you did that the first time we met", he said. "I'm just thinking how much we both have grown, it's really been long you know", I said to him. Let me go in and take a shower, there's whiskey, saw it somewhere, he smirked. I took a shower, it felt fantastic. I wore a cute little tight black dress which elongated my body, getting out Derek was dressed in black shorts and their loose white shirts, he looked so fine, damn. You look beautiful Bella, he looked at me, like as if he was a hungry wolf. Thank you, you don't look bad yourself, I smiled at him. Let's go, we will fix our stuff later, let's make this night count, for ourselves, we really need the air, I smiled at him. As we were about to leave he pulled my hand, we stood there frozen, no words came but the fire we had came alive, that just scared the hell out of me. He looked deep in my eyes, not saying anything. We stood there for like 5 minutes, let's go, come on, as I turned red for him, I wanted him so bad but knew I couldn't have him, because he no longer belonged to me..............................................................................

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