8. Rocky Beaver

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Me, Jack, Eddie, Milton, and Jerry were walking down the stairs of our school.

"Man, I can't handle health class anymore." Jerry sighs.

"Yeah, Naomi and I took that class." Jack grimaces.

"When they showed the video of the whale having a baby, we almost gave birth to our lunch." I say as Jack puts an arm over my shoulders. Most people think we are dating. Both of us are just very touchy people, well I am when it comes to Jack. If anyone else tries to put their arm on my shoulders, they're gonna wish they were dead.

"Well, Grace asked me to be her health class partner. We had to take care of an egg and pretend that it was our baby." Jerry crosses his arms over his chest.

"How'd that work out for you?" Eddie speaks up.

"Yo, I couldn't take the pressure. This morning I snapped, fried up our baby and ate it." Jerry groaned on.

"Big news, everyone. Big news!" Mr. Squires walked over to me. "Thanks to a winning essay by Naomi Adams, our school has won a concert from international mega popstar, Ricky Weaver!"

Everyone clasp as the principal walks out.

"I can't believe you won!" Kim congratulates me, excited.

"Whoa, wait. Kim, you're into Ricky Weaver?" Jack asks, walking over to Kim and Grace.

"Uh, no. I'm not even sure who Ricky Weaver is." Kim states.

"Really, Kim? 'Cause you're locker is a huge fan." Grace goes and opens Kim's locker. Pictures and magazines of Ricky were inside. Music started playing.

Stay by my side

Jerry, Eddie, Milton, Jack, and I start laughing.

"Dude." Jerry laughs.

"Thanks a lot, Grace." Kim and Grace start fighting over the locker door, finally Kim slams it as we all stop laughing. "Fine. I love him. I downloaded all of his music. And now, thanks to Naomi, I'm gonna meet him." Kim goes all fan girly. "Ricky!" She squeals, running away.

"I'm beginning to think she might know who Ricky is." I say, leaning against the locker next to Kim's which so happened to be my locker.

"Mhm." The guys agree.

Grace walks up to Jerry. "Jerry, we have health class next period. Where's our baby?"

Jerry burps, running away while Grace glares at him.

I sigh, walking to my next class. "Classic Jerry."

Jack and I were taking turns punching and kicking a dummy while Rudy holds it up. The rest of the boys were practicing behind us. It was my turn and I do a spin kick before kicking it in the chest.

"Okay, good. Solid contact, great form. Just try to bring your foot down a little lower." Rudy nods to me, I nod back.

I do the spin kick again before kicking lower, well maybe a bit too low. Rudy grunts.

"Oh." Jack and I grimace.

Rudy's voice gets high pitched, "Okay, a little too low."

"Oh, shit. Sorry, Rudy." I curse.

"It's okay, Naomi. Just brings back memories." He winks at me.

"Shut it, Rudy." I glare.

"Hi. Oh, yeah. I mean, who knows, Grace?" Kim walks in with a cellphone plastered to her ear. "He could part his hair on the left or the right. That's just what makes Ricky, Ricky."

We all look at her. I look at the other boys in disgusts. They look it right back. Kim walks up to Jack and I.

"I can't believe that because of Naomi that over-gelled pretty boy is coming to our school. I think he's got a doll's head." Jack glares at Kim.

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