chapter 7:awaken...and summoning

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3rd pov:
Lorenzo could be seen waking up as the male looked at the ceiling while his eyes adjusted to the light. Getting out of the bed he put on his clothes while he checked the time and date then he walked out of the room and straight to the cafeteria feeling hungry. Upon arriving at the cafeteria, he walked towards the coffee machine.

Lorenzo:"good evening gudako." He poured himself some coffee and he took a sip of it.

Gudako:"hey lorenzo-" she stopped herself then she looked at the black haired male who was drinking coffee. "You're awake!" She walked towards the male who drank his coffee in peace not caring about her suprise. She hugged the male who just pat her on the head in return.

Lorenzo:" how long was i out?" He took a sip out of his coffee and stared at the ginger. 

Gudako:"two days, the others were worried about you and confused since you saved olga from Levi's spell that could've killed her." Lorenzo nodded as he finished drinking his coffee and then he put the cup in the sink. "Come on lorenzo! Today we're gonna summon our servants."

Lorenzo:"alright." He looked at the orange haired girl then he started to follow gudako as he pulled out a book. The book was beside him when he woke up, and it was called elden ring. There had been a note on the first page, as the note explain it was a gift from the god who revived him twice. The two had finally arrived at the summoning room.

Ritsuka, romani, olga, mash, and a.. brown haired women were talking, as gudako greeted them.

Gudako:"hey everyone." The group greeted her, as they turned and noticed lorenzo standing behind the hyperactive girl.

Ritsuka:"lorenzo! Your awake." Lorenzo nodded and continued to read the book in his hand absorbing and analyzing the knowledge how to summon or use the weapons, armours, and spells that were contained within this book.

Lorenzo:"it's good to see that you lot are ok." He put the book into the pocket of his jacket. "So what are we doing now?"

Olga:"it's good to see you again lorenzo...thank you for saving me." Lorenzo nodded. "Today you three will be summoning heroic spirits to aid you with these singularities." The group walked to the summoning room and as they arrived olga pointed to the middle of the room. "You'll speak a chant, use these saint quartz as the catalyst and summon a servant  but it'll be random. It also deponds on how much your mana circuits can take, but for now the three of you will summon two servants each." She handed the three master each six saint quartz.

Lorenzo:"ok olga." Lorenzo pat the silver haired girl on the head. "I'll go last since I've got nothing to do." Olga slapped lorenzo hand away and started to grumble, while ritsuka and gudako started to play rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes first. As gudako ended up winning. She started her chant as a bright light appeared blinding everyone. A man wearing a crimson clothing appeared in front of her.

 A man wearing a crimson clothing appeared in front of her

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