Chapter 4: What a Poser

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Present time

You had been falling for over 40 minutes if your sense of time was correct. Luckily it seemed there was no end so you were currently enjoying the peace after the craziness of the past few hours. You heard a noise and looked down to see the floor coming up, luckily you had plenty of experience with your training and landed perfectly on the floor. Looking up to try and find Strange to give him a piece of your mind you were met with the sight of the Avengers in the common room.

"What a poser." Bucky murmured.

"Strange I suggest you run, because I may know only a few spells but I know how to control what I do know." you said.

"Y/N stop." Wanda said.

"Why?" You said.

"Y/N if you ever want to join the team, if you ever want us to fully trust you, you need to work with Strange." Wanda said.

"Y/N," Tony said, "we need to know what exactly you can control and what your powers are."

"Fine, but this is only because I like you all, besides Rogers and Strange. I can control the basic elements, they don't require spells or anything. I know some spells and can do some healing and sometimes under the right conditions make portals, although my magic isn't that developed with Hydra being so controlling and me being taught so little."

"You need to work on your magic. You will train with me and visit the Sanctum to learn. Your magic is to unstable to be left without proper guidance, I'm surprised you haven't blown up the tower already." Strange said.

"If I do this, will I eventually be left alone and be able to be free?"


"Strange," Steve interrupted, "you don't know that."

"Rogers I believe I do. I deal with threats like these, and I assure you that if I train her, by the end of it I will know."

"Very well." Steve sighed.

"May I leave now? I really would like to learn and talk with everyone." Y/N said.

"Yes." Steve replied.

With that you went over to Tony, who told you earlier that he would teach you some of the new things in science that had been discovered while you were at Hydra, along with introducing you to Bruce who was a fellow Avenger, that had been on a trip for the past few days.

"Tony?" you asked while walking to the lab.

"What's up crazy?" Tony responded.

" Will you all be able to get back at Hydra? I know that they've hurt so many more people besides me."

"We will. For now try not to focus on that. I don't say this often, but Steve and the wizard are right, you need to train and learn."

"Okay, I'll try."

Bruce was very nice and quick to accept you and apologize for not being present earlier, he reminded you of your brother before you left for school. He offered to make you some gadgets to train with and possibly fight with in the future. After being in the lab for hours and just chatting with the two scientists, you eventually made your way to Natasha and Bucky who were training. You knew after hearing both of their past, that they were the most similar to you. It was nice having people around that knew what you went through. You weren't sure you could ever come to the fact that Hydra had kept you from living for decades. Heck, you weren't even sure you could ever come to terms with your powers. You knew they were dangerous, you would get glimpses of what you've done. It's scary to think of the power Hydra had over you.

"Y/N!" Natasha called, interrupting your thoughts. You wondered why she was so nice and trusting when she first met you.

"Come over here doll." Bucky said.

You walked over soon partaking in a brutal training session with the assassin and metal armed man. You started hearing more about Bucky's life before Hydra, it must have been nice being able to live a little before. The more you heard about Steve the more you were surprised, he seemed so nice from the way Bucky described him, and the praise Natasha had for him when talking about past fights.

After finally finishing training you went to your room to shower. It was nice, Tony really spared no expense. He also told you that Friday was able to overhear in the bathroom when requested through your phone, which he had taught you a little bit of how to use with Rhodey earlier.

After finishing your nice long shower, you stepped outside into your room, only to be met by the one man you wished to never see.

"Strange! What the hell are you doing in here while I was showering?" You screamed, the anger bubbling inside you more with every passing second.

"Oh sorry." Strange replied turning around where he could see you. "Apologies I didn't realize you were showering."

Was he blushing? He was. Who would have thought that the arrogant sorcerer would be flustered by a towel.

"What did you need?"

"I just wanted to inform you that your training will start at 9 AM tomorrow and to not be late."

"Thank you. Now can you please leave and come back when I'm not wearing nothing but a towel."

"Of course. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Strange."

You had no idea what that interaction was. You only knew that you were not looking forward to training tomorrow morning in the least bit

Such a fitting name you thought, the man really was Strange, at least to you.

Such a fitting name you thought, the man really was Strange, at least to you

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AN: The urge to turn this into a Bucky x reader

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