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 Third Person  P

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Third Person P.O.V.
Camilo and his girlfriend head downstairs and help the Madrigal family to set up the table Camilo helps his Tía Julieta and Camilo girlfriend is kinda helping , Y/n and her mother come downstairs for breakfast . "Oh Y/n Mirva can you help us?" Pepa says. "Of course" Mirva and Y/n say then start helping out then after that they sit down at the table and start to feast after talking and laughing the Madrigals head out to the village and helping out the village with anything they need.

Y/n went to the village to explore it and a kid bumps into her . "Sorry miss!" The kid says and looks up at Y/n. "Wow your pretty" The kid says and Y/n squats to the kids level and pats them on the head. "Well thank you" Y/n says smiling at the kid. " Okay bye miss!" The kid says running towards their friends.
Y/n proceeds to walk around and Y/n sees a old man struggling with something so she secretly helps the man and uses her magic . The old man looks around to see who did that to thank them but he didn't see no one so he was confused but moved along on what he was doing.

Y/n decided to head back to Casita to look around the backyard a bit , she looked and saw a beautiful river she just sat on the grass and looked at the birds flying also chirping , hearing the winds flow with trees , Y/n decided to practice her bending skills ( yes I'm gonna call it bending from now on since it fits better)

hm this place seems more peaceful for some reason
Y/n thought she was at the river for about 6 hours and it was already getting late .

"Alma have you seen my daughter I haven't seen her since this morning?!" Mirva says worriedly looking around the house altering the Madrigal family. "Um have you guys seen her?" Mirva says looking at the grandchildren. They all shook their heads . Mirva then starts to worry more and Alejandro starts to calm down Mirva but he was also worried

"Dolores do you hear her?" Alma says looking at her grandchild , the place became quit . "Hm yes she is at the river behind the hou-" Before Dolores finished her sentence , Mirva flew out the door while Alejandro followed his wife .

Mirva flew to find Y/n practicing her bending , Mirva lands and hugs her daughter tightly. "M- I need to breath mother" Y/n says . "Oh sorry" Mirva let's go and Y/n taking a deep breath before looking at her mother. "Is their something wrong?" Y/n says confused. "Oh no we were just worried about you" Mirva says and we head footsteps it reveals Alejandro. "God *pant* you are too fast Amor" Alejandro says trying to catch his breath."

"Come dinner is starting soon" Mirva says walking towards Alejandro then start heading to Casita. They open the doors to see the Madrigal's in the dining room plus Camilo girlfriend. Alma looks to see them walk in , Alma walks to Y/n and hugs her. "Oh your safe" Alma says in relief and the Madrigal eyes soften. "Yeah I'm fine also sorry if I didn't tell you were I was" Y/n says . "It's okay come sit" Alma says bringing Y/n to her seat next to Isabel. Mirva and Alejandro sit down next to Pepa and Felix."

Camilo girlfriend glares at Y/n and Y/n seems unbothered since she didn't even know the girl . "Oh Y/n this is Camilo's girlfriend" Alma says looking at the girl who is staring at you. "Oh hello Gf/n" Y/n says while eating her food. "Hello Y/n" Gf/n says in a rude tone. Y/n seems to notice how she's acting and she thinks it's very odd.

The fuck this bitch want from me ?

A/n: small update so I won't leave you guys hanging :) also my bad for my grammar autocorrect likes to do shit

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