Drunk Skeppy

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TW some weird stuff, drinking, swearing


Skeppy POV

I heard Bad's voice and I immidiatly knew why he said my name. I was here jerking off and moaning but my mic wasn't muted. I panicked. I didn't know what to do. So I just left. I left the call. I started hyperventilating. He was gonna hate me. No way could I meet up with him now. He was gonna kick me out of his house anyway. I went to my suitcase and started throwing everything out. I grabbed my phone and turned on it's flashlight and staggered my way downstairs to the kitchen. I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of vodka and chugged it down. Then I passed out on the floor.


I don't know what the fudge happened. I heard Skeppy moaning...? Soon after I said his name he left the call. I was worried, surprised, and confused. Why was he moaning? I hope he was ok. He didn't say anything before he left. He's probably not going to talk to me for another week. Wait. We are meeting up on Tuesday. He can't not talk to me for a week. He said he already bought a ticket. I hoped he would talk to me soon. What if something bad happened to him?

After about fifteen minutes of worrying I heard my phone ring. It was Skeppy!

"Hello? Skeppy are you ok?"

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Darryllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!" answered Skeppy 

Skeppy never called me by my real name before. Something was up.

"What are you doingggggggggggggggggggggg??????????" His voice slurred a bit

"Skeppy what happened?"

"I just went downstairsssssssss and stufffffffffffff." he said, then giggled. I usally like Skeppy's giggles but this time I was worried about him. I was 100% sure he was drunk.

"Skeppy it's nighttime so you have to sleep. Ok?"

"But I wanna talk to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu" he whined 

"I know Skeppy and I wanna talk to you too but we can talk to each other tomorrow ok?"

"Noooooooooooooooooooo I wanna talk to you know because I love youuu"

"Wh-what kind of love Skeppy?"

"I want you to be my boyfrienddddddddddddddddddd" he said then giggled again

I blushed a lot when he said that until I remembered he was drunk so he could be lying and just be saying muffiny stuff.

Skeppy kissed his mic and kept giggling "I love you Darrylllllllllllllll"

I felt my muffin getting hard. In my head I kept telling myself he's drunk so what he's saying is probably not true.

"Skeppy can you go to bed for me? Please?"

"For you Darryyyyy" he said testing out a pet name for me

"Night love you muffin"

"Goodnight cutie. Can't wait to fuck you when we meet up~" Skeppy said then muted his mic 

Ok that didn't help my muffin. His voice was slurring as much either. Maybe he was just a bit drunk. I muted my mic then I got in the covers of my bed with my Rat. I usually fall asleep fast especially with Rat but since that potato, Skeppy, made my muffin get hard it didn't work. So it took me 45 minutes for my muffin to get back to normal. I dreamed of Skeppy all night

A/N sorry it was a short chapter

The Day After They Meet Up~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu