Those More "Chances"

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Skeppy POV

I woke up in Bad's arms, and Bad was still asleep. I kissed his forehead and started to make breakfast.
About half an hour later Bad came out of his room, sleepily.
He yawned and asked "Skeppy did you make breakfast?"
I nodded and sat him down in a chair
"But your my guest! I'm supposed to do this for you!" He exclaimed
"You were really sleepy last night and you still are, so I made you breakfast!" I said and set a plate of food in front of him.

He thanked me, and when he was finished eating he sat on the couch with Rat and Rocco and quickly skimmed through Twitter.
I looked into his eyes, trying to catch his attention.
He looked at me with his head cocked, basically asking me why I was looking at him.
I leaned in a bit, slightly biting me lip.
Bad laughed and said "Are you gonna kiss me you dunderhead?"
"Uh no I was just-" I cut myself off and excused myself to my room.
My heart ached. Hadn't he remembered last night? I lay on my bed holding back tears. I pulled out my phone, and looked something up.

Can you loose memory if your sleep deprived?

The answer was yes.
Anger flowed through my body. I couldn't hold back anymore. My salty tears leaked onto my pillow.


My breathing sped faster and faster. I know it was only a kiss on his cheek, but I thought it was really something.

Just then I heard Bad knock on my door.

"Skeppy? Are you alright?" Bad said with concern in his voice
"Y-yeah I-I'm fi-" I said, trying to say I was fine. My voice broke and more tears spilled on my pillow.
Bad didn't ask again. The door swung open and I heard Bad gasp at the sight of me. I couldn't blame him.


I opened the door and saw Skeppy laying on his bed with his pillow stuffed in his face, with his tears falling on it. I gasped, afraid what had happened

"Skeppy, what happened?" Skeppy didn't respond, instead more tears.
I hugged Skeppy, softly rubbing his back. My shoulder was wet with his tears, but I didn't care. I noticed how fast he was breathing
"Skeppy slow your breathing down."
Skeppy tried breathing slower, his breath shaking. I inhaled and exhaled, and Skeppy knew to match my breathing.
I asked Skeppy if he wanted to talk about it, but he said he didn't want to.
I hoped I didn't hurt his feelings.

A couple minutes later, Skeppy was asleep. He had dried tears on his cheeks, and my shoulder was now covered in Skeppy's drool. I didn't mind though. Our dogs leaped in bed with us.

Then I didn't something. I don't know what made me do it. I just had a feeling deep down, that I should kiss him. So I did. It was only in his cheek, but I blushed anyway. It was a soft gentle kiss, so Skeppy didn't wake up.
Both of the dogs were looking at me with their heads cocked to the side. I told then to not tell Skeppy I did that, and I made then promise it too.
I lay Skeppy on his bed, and left his room. Then I sat back down on the couch, feeling a bit sad and cold. I missed the warm feeling Skeppy gives me when he's not even touching me.
So I decided to text some of my friends and invited them to come over tonight to maybe watch a movie with me and Skeppy. I asked Sapnap, George, and Puffy. And they all said yes.

After Skeppy was done sleeping, maybe he would tell me what was wrong.

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