Falling Skeletons and The Runaways

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Song of the Chapter:

Take Me to Chruch- Hoizer

Autumn-Rose's POV: January 1st, 2015 1:00am

"How much longer is the walk to the base?" I asked Rebel as we were trudging through the marsh of a swamp.

Rebel stopped and looked up at the dark sky. "The base is located in Waynesborough. That's in Burke county which is about 150 miles away from Woodstock. It's a couple day trip so we have to be quick, quiet, and sneaky if we want to get there."

"Why is it so far away?" I asked while turning to face Rebel.

"It's the only place that we found secure at the time. All other places were to risky or they were to out in the open, it's an abandoned wearhouse in the middle of the forest that looks like it'll fall apart any second now, no one will ever think to look there." She said dismissing the conversation and walking forwards through the marsh.

6:30 am

We left the swampy-marsh about an hour ago and my boots are still squishing from the water. Rebel whistled and out her hand up. Should I stay silent or ask what's going on? I thought to myself. Rebel looked back at me and then scanned the trees, sky, and my shoes.

"We're in enemy territory. I'll explain everything when we get to the base. About your shoes...... we have a lot at the base in every size. You should be able to find a new pair." Rebel explained before heading towards the trees.

"Since dawn is upon us, people will be starting to commute which gives us a higher chance of being found- which is the opposite of what we want to happen- so we have to tree jump. Do you remember the underground railroad that Harriet Tubman used to bring slaves to the north?" I nodded but then I realized that she was looking at the trees again.


"Well, we have something similar to the underground railroads that we hid in during the day or when it's a super busy weekend." She said while heading towards a tree.

"Just climb, jump, and follow me." She instructed as she jumped from one branch to another. As I climbed up the tree, I became hesitant. I wasn't used to jumping from tree to tree, considering that the orphanage had only one sturdy tree and a million dead ones.....

"Yo red! Let's go! We're burning daylight.... well nightlight- uh you know what I mean!" Rebel called out, bringing me out of my haze.

Only then did I realize that she was at least 10 branches ahead of me and I haven't moved from the first one yet. I closed my eyes and jumped. I felt myself grab onto a branch from the next tree over and I let out a breath I didn't know that I was holding in. After tree hopping for a few minutes, I started to get the hang of it. Climb, find a sturdy branch, visualize where you're jumping to, jump, repeat. Rebel was only a few branches ahead of me but then again, she probably been doing this for awhile. That's when I realized that she was picking up speed, and I couldn't keep up.

"Rebel!" I called out. No response.

"Can you slow down? I can't keep up!" I yelled. She just continued on.

I looked around and all I saw were dead and unsturdy limbs. I was starting to panic, I was in an unfamiliar area- to be honest, all I know is that we're in Georgia- with no service and if Rebel continued, I'd also be alone. I could faintly see Rebel in the distance, but that wasn't going to last long if she didn't stop or if I didn't catch up. As I panicked, I forgot all about my strategy and just jumped. Bad idea.

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