He's Not a Prince Charming AT ALL

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Song of the chapter: Wrong by Depeche Mode

Picture of the Chapter: Autumn-Roses's Outfits, The outfit to the left is what she wore in the last chapter and the picture on the right is what she's wearing now

Autumn-Rose's POV 12/20/13 6:00 pm

I sat down on the big- no humongous white silky couch and waited for my dad to come down. "Hey Autumn-Rose! Where are you? We gotta go now and if you are in the island again I will not hesitate to pull you out!" I heard Nor-Dad say followed by thudding into my room, no amazing room. I heard him go into the walk-in closet and pull open one of the doors to the island thing in the middle. "Okay you're not in the walk-in closet but seriously where are you? We need to leave soon." He said exiting the room followed by his footsteps walking down the hall opening and closing every door while I was playing the silent card.

After about a minute this got boring so I got up and silently walking into the kitchen where I banged to huge pans together making a loud BANG! rip through the house. "DANG CAT! I HAVE TOLD THAT CAT THREE MILLION TIMES NOT TO GET ON THE COUNTER!" I heard Dad scream as he darted down the stairs into the kitchen only to see me with a cocked eyebrow and holding the two pans. "Do I look like a cat to you?" I said trying to get him to smile. "Haha very funny but seriously where were ya?" I was about to answer until Dad cut me off. "Ya know what, just tell me in the car we have to go to Andrew's house which is a good 2 hour drive away from here." Norman said grabbing my arm (a little to hard if I may add) and pulling me into the car and then driving away. "So as I was asking you.... where were ya?" Dad asked while looking at the road. "Well after I got done getting ready I walked out of my room and kept walking until I found the staircase and just sat on the couch waiting for you." I said rubbing my arm a little at the end. "Oh.... but how did you get to the kitchen then?" "Oh after you went into my room I got bored so I decided to let you know where I was with two pans." "Nice but how do you get ready so fast? I mean, not to sound stereotypical or anything but most of the women I know take forever to get ready, I've never had someone especially a woman get ready faster than me." He asked still with his eyes on the road. "I guess it's just my natural instincts. I mean, I was in an orphanage for 13 years and you had to get ready quickly especially when a walk-in wanted someone in your age category." I answered looking down at my arm.

I caught Norman glance down at my arm and I could tell he was shocked. "What happened to your arm?" He asked forgetting about that he was driving. "Umm well- EYES ON THE ROAD! WATCH OUT!" I yelled making Norman focus back on the road. After about five minutes he pulled into a gas station and he got out and started to pump the gas. After he finished that process he got back into the car and looked at my arm again examining the hand-print. "Where's this from? You didn't have it yesterday when I adopted you... wait. Did I do this when I grabbed your arm this morning?" He asked with guilt flooding through his voice. I just looked down and nodded my head, to embarrassed to even look at him. "Shi-shizzle. Why didn't you tell me that I was hurting you? I would've let go! Oh great, you're going to show up with a huge hand-print and everyone will think that I hurt you! This is just great." Dad rambled on until I put my hand up to stop him. "It's okay. Is there a drug store that sells make-up around here? If not, I can just pull my sleeve down and make sure that it stays down." I asked. "I think that there's a CVS a couple blocks ahead why?" He asked and I just looked at him. Seriously? I'm going to cover up the hand-print with concealer. What does he think? "If we do find a drugstore, I'll cover the hand-print with concealer and no-one will know and I suppose you don't have make-up in the backseat." I joked. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." He seriously responded but I knew he was joking.

He pulled into CVS and handed me $40.00. "Now I trust you to go in there by yourself because we both know that if I go in there, we'll never get out alive." He said then he unlocked the car letting me get out. I walked into the CVS and it looked dead, I mean there's like no-one in here. I walked over to the make up aisle and picked up the a liquid concealer, a powdered concealer, a concealer brush, a liquid bronzer, a powdered bronzer, and a bronzer brush then headed to the register but no before getting something for Dad. I mean, it's his money and I feel really bad for wasting it on this so I got him 3 packs of gum. After I paid, I got back into the car and handed dad the three packs of gum and the reaming $20.00. He looked shocked but just took a stick of gum out and started to drive again. After about 10 minutes of covering up the bruise it looked like it disappeared. Now I know you are probably thinking Why don't you just use your healing powers to cure it? Well, there's two reasons. Uno- Dad doesn't know about my powers yet so......... and Dos- I can't heal injuries from a male older than me until I have full power, which is when I'm 18. I can only heal injuries from women of all age, people the same age as me and children.

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