Welcome to the Feminam Bellator Tribu Supernaturalis (Part 1)

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(Feminam bellator tribu supernaturalis means Female Supernatural Warrior Tribe)

Autumn-Rose's POV: January 5th, 2015 6:30 am

"She's truly one of us, she was destined to be one of us." I heard someone say.

"Rebel, how did you meet Red?" I heard the same person ask.

"Well, I was in the tre-" Rebel said before the same voice cut her off.

"We know that. All you do is spend time in the trees." The unknown voice spoke.

"Can you just shut up Beca? Geez maybe one of us would be able to get more that 3 words out if you would just your big mouth." A new voice said.

"Beca! Jasmine! Both of you shut up! This isn't how the Feminam Bellator Tribu Supernaturalis acts! Maybe when I tell Red everything today you should both listen with an extra ear!" Rebel shouted.

"Red, I know you're up. You need to work on your poker face." Jasmine said. I sat up and took a look at my surroundings. I was lying on a pile of old torn blankets in what looks like what use to be a dance studio. There was an old mirror that was dirty and scratched so badly that you could barely see out of it on the opposite wall, ballet bars pushed off to the side, an indoor widow's peak that went around the entire room towards the top, the door that I came through was blocked off, and dead in the center of the room was the remains of a fire in a fire pit.

"Does this look familiar to you? This was Central Pointe about 10 years ago." Moon informed. I didn't respond. I heard someone mumble something along the lines of "newbies and observing their surroundings" but I chose to ignore it.

"Red, didn't you need new shoes? You know, since yours got all wet and muddy when we were traveling here..." Rebel said motioning me to follow her. I got up and out of the blanket bed and followed her, realizing that everyone else went back into a huddle by the fire pit on the floor. Once Rebel led me out of the room, we were in a hallway.

"We keep all of our supplies in the other dance room. It's easier and it gives us more space to move around without tripping over something. Here we are." Rebel informed as she opened a door labeled "Studio B". As we walked in, I noticed it was almost identical to the other room except it didn't have the fire pit and it had different piles of stuff all around the room. Next thing you know, a pair of shoes were thrown at my head which I just caught.

"You've got to learn to stop zooming out all the time. In here, you have to be alert all the time. Even in your sleep." Rebel spoke as she moved into a different pile. I took a look at the shoes Rebel threw at me. They were black knee high boots that she at me that had zippers on the back side that ran up the entire shoe's back, dark blue laces that were laced all to the top on the front, and a mini wedge-like heel but it wasn't something that you'd see on high heels. I also noticed that they were my size.

"Hey umm Rebel? How did you know my shoe size?" I asked.

" I took off your shoe in your sleep and looked at your size. Hey what's your shirt, pants, and bra size?" She responded.

"Medium, 2 or 4, 36A." I said.

"Heads up." Next thing you know, more clothes were thrown at my head but this time I caught them. Rebel just looked at me like she expecting me to do something.

"Well, are you going to change or not?" She asked. That threw me off guard.

"What?" I was confused.

"You have to change in here to see if the clothes fit or not. I'll turn around." She spoke unfazed while turning around. As quickly as I could, I put on the plain black bra, black undershirt, red and black plaid long sleeved button up shirt/cardigan thing, black ripped skinny jeans, and the black boots.

"Done." I said feeling uncomfortable. Rebel turned around and smiled.

"Your fast on your feet. We'll keep that on your record. Look, I'm not tying to make you feel weird or anything- I felt the same way when I first came- it's in the rules. When we go back into the main room, we'll explain the backstory, all of the rules, and all of our profiles." She informed while walking out of Studio B and back into Studio A where everyone else was huddled around the fire pit.

"Hey Rebel! Nice outfit!" I heard multiple people shout causing me to smile.

"Thanks, where do I sit?" I asked no one in particular.

"You can sit by me!" Moon said while raising her hand. I walked over and sat by her getting smiles from everyone. This is starting to creep me out. A lot. Why is everyone acting creepy with the smiles?

"We're not trying to creep you out Red, it's just we haven't had a new member who was truly one of us in awhile so it's kind of a big deal for us." Rebel said.

   "Let's explain everything to her now. She won't look at us like we have 3 heads then." Moon said. Everyone started to mumble something but it started to fade. Suddenly, the world started fade and everything was blurry. "Red?" I heard someone shout. I know that they're probably right in front of me but they feel like they're a million miles away. I suddenly felt myself slip away and into a haze of unconsciousness.

Moon's POV: January 5th, 2015 12:00pm

   "Red" looks so similar. Do I know her? I thought to myself as we all crowded around her. I know Red isn't her real name, I know she's hiding who she really is, I know she ran away from her home like the rest of us.

   "Did anyone notice that Red looks like Moon? I mean, A LOT like her?" Edith asked no one in particular.

   "Now that I think about it, you both look a lot." Rebel said as everyone was flipping their heads back forth between Red and I.

   "Hey, isn't it written in the prophecy that the 12th generation of pure breeds of Cassidy Clarissa Elzahigh would be twins separated at birth and reunited 13 years later." Jasmine asked. She was always the one who was reading the prophecies.

   "It is. Moon, can you point all of your ancestors in this picture? This is a map of all the descendants of Cassidy Clarissa Elzahigh." Edith asked.

  "These are my parents, both sets of my grandparents, my great grandparents, and my great-great grandparents. I know that some of them are purebred and others aren't." I stated and Rebel, Edith, and Jasmine looked at me with wide eyes.

   "What?" I asked.

   "Moon, I think you and Red are the 12th generation descendants of Cassidy Clarissa Elzahigh, it looks like you are anyways. Do you remember your early life?" Rebel asked.

   "I remember always playing with this red haired girl when I was just born like just born before my parents only took me home and left her there." I explained.

   "We'll here her side she wakes up. For now, I've got to make a phone call." Rebel said before abruptly walking out of the room.

   "She should wake up within 24 hours. She still has a lot of warmth running through her body." Edith announced. Am I really a twin? Or is this just a coincidence? Maybe I should sleep it off. I thought to myself as I climbed into my bed and drifted off into sleep.

Author's Note: Hi! Thank you for 5.4k reads and 224 comments. Happy early Memorial Day to all the Americans out there! Word Count: 1342 words. See you soon! -Cherokee

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