The Truth Part 1

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Song of the Chapter:

Bones Exposed by Of Mice and Men

Chandler's POV: January 1st, 2015 5:00pm

   Oh I'm in deep sh*t now. Why did I ever drag Mingus into this? I thought to myself as Norman dragged me outside the hospital. Surprisingly, there weren't any paparazzi people at the hospital, well, not yet anyways. We got some weird looks from some doctors, nurses, and the general public so to avoid confrontation I moved myself to make it look like he wasn't going to hit me or anything like that. I hadn't noticed that we were in the parking deck until Norman spoke.

   "Get in the passenger door. First, we're going to the police station to report Autumn-Rose's disappearence and then we're going back to my house where the entire cast is and you're going to explain why Autumn-Rose is missing and why Mingus has weed in his system. I'll ask him later why he did... that. Don't mention anything about the Marijuana when we go to the police station. They will already be on our tails due to Autumn-Rose being missing, we don't need them to be farther up our tails with your issue." He open his car door then got in and slammed it causing the entire parking deck to make an echo noise. I've always liked the sound of it for some reason. It's calming. Before I wasted anymore time, I got into the black sports car, shut the door and then putting on my seatbelt as Norman pulled out of the parking deck then driving towards the police station.

Norman's POV: January 1st, 2015 7:00 pm

   I'll admit, I am pretty mad at Chandler and Mingus but I'm even more made at myself. What drove my child to bash his head repeatively on a bathroom sink? What drove my other child to run away? Geez, my life is a mess right now. I don't know what to do anymore. As I pulled up to the police station I asked Chandler if he wanted to stay or to come inside but he was already asleep so I just left him there and went in. As I walked in, there was an overweight man sitting in a rolling chair at a wooden and cluttered reception desk while eating a donut. How typical.

   "How may I help you sir? Why are you here?" He asked while wiping the remains of his donut off his face.
   "Um yes I'd like to report a missing child." I said and his eyes seemed to almost pop out of his head.
   "How long has this child been missing?" He asked while gathering up paperwork.
   "19 hours." I replied. He stopped to gather the paperwork.
   "I'm sorry sir but we can't do anything until it's been a full day. Are you sure this child didn't go to a friend's house and they didn't tell you?" He asked with guilt.
   "No she didn't go to a friend's house. Why can't you write down the missing child report?" I asked with anger and impatientness lacing through my words.
   "Look man, if I could I would. But it's the law. We can't do anything with the report of a missing child until it's been a full 24 hours since the child's disappearence." He stated.
   "Why can't you write down the information about the missing child and then not look at it for another five hours? Then it would be a full day." I asked.
   "Wait, let me get one of the other officers who has been here longer. This is only my third month here." He stated before he picked up the reception phone and asked someone to come down. Minutes later, a lanky cop with a bald head come running down the hallway.
   "What's up newbie? Does this guy need to be escorted off the property?" Mr. Lanky asked with a jerk-like tone. Great another jerk. I thought to myself as he stared at me which I returned.
   "Actually, h-"
   "I came to report a missing child who disappeared 19 hours ago and your newbie over here said that he can't do anything until it's been a full 24 hours and I really don't feel like coming here at midnight so I asked him why can't he let me fill out the paperwork now and then in 5 hours announce that she went missing?" I interjected.
   "Believe it or not, you can actually do that." The lanky cop said.
   "Want me to take him to where we fill out the paperwork?" He asked the newbie.
   "Sure. You're better at this stuff then I am." Newbie responded.
   "Great, now Mr...." He trailed off.
   "Reedus." I answered.
   "Mr. Reedus if you would just follow me we could get started." The lanky cop said.
    "Oh! One more thing, my co-star who is a 15 year old is asleep in the black jeep parked in the front. All of the windows and doors are locked but could you keep an eye on the car just incase someone tries to take him? I don't need another kid getting abducted under my watch." I explained to the newbie who just nodded with understanding.
   "Sure. Wait, aren't you Daryl Dixon from the show 'The Walking Dead'?" The lanky cop asked.
   "Yes I am and in the car asleep is Carl Grimes." I stated.
   "Alright now I'll make sure to keep an extra eye on the car." The newbie said as I started to walk away with the lanky cop. We walked into the way back of the police station where he took me into what looked like an interrogation room.
   "Why are we in an interrogation room? No that there's anything wrong with it, its just..." I trailed off as we sat down.
   "This is the only available room right now." He said while sitting down.
   "Alright then, so how's this going to work?" I asked sitting down.
   "First, do you have a picture of this missing child?" He asked. This left me in thought. Did I have a picture of Autumn-Rose? Oh yeah! We took a picture the other day!
   "I have a picture on my phone, can you print it out if it gets sent to you?" I asked.
   "Yes. Just email it to and then we'll be able to print it out." He replied. As I did this, he started to ask me questions about Autumn-Rose.
   "What's this child's name, gender, date of birth, age, height, weight, and description? He asked.
   "Her name is Autumn-Rose Reedus, she was born December 19th, 2001. She's 13 years old. She's 5 feet 4 inches tall and about 100 pounds. She has red hair, blue eyes, has a lot of freckles, and is thin looking. Anything else?" I responded.
   "What was she last seen wearing?" He asked while staring at me.
   "I don't know. We were at my house for a Christmas party with my co-stars where we partied into the new year and then I woke up amd she was gone. She was wearing a red dress but I have no idea if she's still wearing it or not." I truthfully said.
   "Alright I'll just say you don't know what she's wearing and she was last seen in the Woodstock Georgia area." He said then the computer started to ding.
    "So you sent the email I'm guessing?" He said while walking over to the computer and looking at picture. He turned to me, then back at the computer, then at me again.
   "...Is there a problem?" I asked growing annoyed.
    "Was Autumn-Rose an orphan at one point?" He asked.
    "Yes. I adopted her about a week and a half ago." I responded.
    "I knew she looked familiar. I guess like right before you adopted her, me and another officer went to the orphanage where she was and we had to escort a child off the property and take care of a dead orphan." He explained. "Alright, everything is filled out. I'll walk you back to the front office and then you can go. Thanks for reporting the missing child." Then he walked me to the front desk where I saw a mad Chandler sitting in a chair and crossing his arms.
   "He's mad because he woke up in the car and there was no one there." The cop at the front desk said.
   "Sorry Chan, you looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn't want to wake you up." I explained only to get a glare in return. "Let's go we have to get you home before your parents kill me." I said as he stood up and we both walked out the door.
   "Remember, you still have to explain to everyone what's being going on when we get back." I reminded him as I turned on the car and turned out of the police lot.

Author's Note: Hi! Sorry for not updating in a month. I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that I cracked my phone in multiple ways and some pieces of the screen even fell out. The good news is that I will start to update more often because my school finally closed for summer break so expect more frequent updates. I just want to say thank you for 6.03k reads, 259 votes, and 125 comments! Now I have a question for everyone. As you may or not know, I have another story called "When Sparks Die" written and completed on Wattpad and I was thinking of deleting it due to the poor writing quality. Should I? Or should I put it under reconstruction and rewrite/fix it? If you read the author's note thank you. -Cherokee

Word count: 1623

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