Where are You Autumn?

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Chandler's POV: January 1st, 2015 12:00am

   "3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The entire cast shouted as everyone pulled someone into a kiss. Well, almost everyone. I'm the only person here who didn't bring a date. Mingus had Ally and the cast either had their spouses, dates, or it was a random cast member. After everyone was done sucking each others' faces off, I grabbed Mingus by the back of the neck and headed up the stairs towards Mingus' room. You see, we're not the bad guys here. We actually like Autumn-Rose but we have orders from two people who make us beat Autumn-Rose or they'll expose us. It's basically blackmailing in a way. Mingus nor I have the guts to beat up Autumn-Rose sober so we either get partially high or tipsy before we attack her. That way, we don't hit as hard and we vaguely remember it.


  "Here we go."   I thought to myself as Mingus and I walked into Autumn-Rose's room. To our surprise, she wasn't there.

   "Check under the covers, the bed and in the closet. Make sure you check in the island thing in her closet also. My dad has caught her hiding in the a couple of times when she first came here." Mingus ordered as he ran into her closet.

   Nope. Not under the covers. Nope not under the mattress. Just then Mingus ran back in looking scared.

   "She's not anywhere in the closet." He stated. He sat on his bed and started to tear up. As he was crying, I decided to get up and look for her in every room that he house has. As I was walking towards the bathroom I heard sniffling and someone whispering "I can't do this." followed by the sound of something breaking. Fearing the worst, I flung open the door and my heart sank to my stomach.

Mingus' POV: 12:30 am January 1st, 2015

*Possible trigger warning ahead self induced head trauma*

      As soon as Chandler left I ran into the bathroom and just looked in the mirror. "Why am I such a horrible brother?" "Why did I ever do this to her?" "I'm such a pathetic failure."  Were all running through my head at the same time. It was my new year's resolution to give up something I'm about to do but you know what they say, majority of people give up their tradition before January ends. I'm one of those people. I squatted down until my height was about as even with the cabinets under the sink smacked my head on the cabinet hard. The pain of the wood bashing against my skull hurt at first but that's what I needed to feel, the pain of being hurt. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. This felt to good to stop but I didn't want to loose consciousness- yet anyways so I slapped my right cheek, then my left cheek, then my right cheek again, and then my left cheek again. Slapping and sobs were the only thing that could be heard throughout the entire room as it bounced off the walls and slid under the doorframe and dancing it's way into the hallway. Once I was able to look myself in the mirror I lost all of the remaining emotions that were locked in my body. I was a mess, my cheeks were firetruck red as if someone took red paint in their hand and put it on my cheeks, my forehead was busted along with my nose. "I can't do this anymore." I told myself as I slammed my head down on the granite counter over and over again.

   "Mingus?" Chandler's voice waved as he was looking at me, all bloody, bruised, and weak. Chandler's face was full of shock and mine was as well.
   "I know, I'm pathetic. I mean, I can't even control my own emotions." I spoke with a laugh as I leaned against the wall and suddenly felt woozy. As my vision blurred I saw Chandler trying to keep me awake. Sorry Chandler, not this time.

12:00 pm January 1st, 2015

   Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. That's the only thing I heard. There was also the occasional squeaking of a chair, the opening of a door, sniffling, and the pitter patter of feet across the marble floors. Wait a minute, I don't have marble floors. Or a squeaky chair....... What's with the continuous beep?

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