Bon Voyage Have a Good Trip

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Autumn-Rose's POV

I just sat in the bathroom holding Timmy's life-less body in my arms and cried. I failed him. I failed everyone. I though to myself. I remember when Timmy first appeared at the orphanage's door the same way I did.

July 14th, 2013
"Miss Mariette, why do some people just abandon their kids? I though having a kid was a part of life. Am I right?" I asked as I was drying the last dish from dinner. Miss Mariette put down her dish washing towel and looked at me with sad eyes."Autumn, let's go talk in the living room okay?" "Okay." I said skipping into the living room with her following me. "Have a seat Autumn, this talk is going to take some time." She said as she sat on the brown couch and patting the seat next to her. "Sweetie, people don't keep their babies for many reasons so in a way you're both right and wrong. You know the basics on how people have babies right?" I shook my head yes to show her that I knew the basics of it. "Some mommies and daddies don't have the money take care of their kids. Others do really bad things-" "like drugs, smoking, alcohol, and they would abuse and do other nasty things to their kids." I said cutting her off. "Yes. Exactly like that." Miss Mariette smiling. Then the beep of the phone started and the ring of a doorbell started. "I got the door. You get the phone. I know, look through the peephole first before answering." I told Miss Mariette before running towards the door. The closer I got to the door, the louder a noise got. Not just any noise, a baby crying. I went over to the door and stood on my tiptoes looking through the peephole. There was a box by the door that had a moving blanket and a sheet of paper by it. I swong open the door as I advanced towards the moving blanket. When I was right over it, I saw that it wasn't a moving blanket, there was a little baby in it. Within a second, I picked the cardboard box making sure that I didn't drop anything and carried it inside and set the box down on the kitchen table right by Miss Mariette. Her eyes went wide when she saw the box. This is the first time I've gotten a good look at the baby. It has light blonde hair and brown eyes. The note in his box said this,
"Dear whoever took my son in,

Thank you for being so kind to Timmy. I regret not being the mother I should be but what I am doing is the best option for me. You see, I am a long time drug addict and my boyfriend is an alcoholic and a drug addict that also abuses me. I don't want my son to grow up in that type of environment so I dropped him off here. Please don't try to contact me into taking my son back and offering us a better life at a Dealing With Abuse Therapy Center. Just please protect him.



I smiled and looked at Timmy. He looks so cute. "Your mommy sure cared about you to bring you out of that situation. Don't worry Timmy, I'll protect you." I said letting him wrap his tiny hand around my finger for a feeling of comfort. You know, this is the exact same way you showed up to me. In a cardboard box with a note and all of your information." Miss Mariette said smiling at me.

"Don't worry Timmy, I'll protect you. " floated in my mind. "Lies. ALL OF THIS IS A LIE!" I shouted shoving all of the stuff that I was going to clean Timmy with off the countertop not caring where it went. Madison. She stalked off with the knife. Miss Mariette! The kids! I though rushing out of the bathroom and towards the room the kids are in.

I burst open the door and there Madison stood with a knife pointed at Sophi's stomach. Miss Mariette was in the corner wheezing. It didn't take long to realize that Madison stabbed her also. "Now Sophi, let's play a game shall we? Dont fight. You win when you see light." Madison said advancing towards Sophi. Without thinking, I screamed "NO!" and shot ice right at Madison freezing her legs in place. "Lets me go right now you b****!" Madison shouting and tried to break the ice. "No." I replied coldly then freezing her arms with the knife so no harm was done.

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